Is It EE, EA, or AY? Worksheet

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When the letters ‘ee’ are found in a word, they usually make the long /e/ sound, such as in the word ‘sheep’. Give your kids some more examples of ‘ee’ words. Also, the letters ‘ea’ can also make the long /e/ sound. For example, the word ‘beach’ and ‘seat’. The letters ‘ay’ when found in words, also makes the /a/ sound. For example, the words ‘clay’ and ‘play’. Now, look through this colourful worksheet with your kids. Help them check the words that have the long /e/ sound, as found in the word ‘sheep’.

Required skills:
To resolve this worksheet, students should be able to identify the different vowel combinations 'ee', 'ea' and 'ay' in words, and the corresponding long vowel sounds they make. They should also be able to distinguish between the different vowel combinations and their sounds, and identify words that have the long /e/ sound.