Trace And Write Number 0 Worksheet

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This worksheet opens the collection of number worksheets for preschoolers. Let's learn numbers together.
When there’s nothing yet or nothing left you say "zero". Although there stands nothing behind the word, it’s still vitally important for learning numbers and maths, isn’t it? So let’s first have a look at a puppy basket with no puppies in it (don’t worry, they are not gone, just waiting for you in further exercises) and then practice writing the number. After that find out which puppies have some spots and which are spotless. And finally revise spelling letters through writing "ZERO" (tracing lines will help, of course). 
See other numbers worksheets for preschool at Kids Academy.

Required skills:
To resolve this worksheet, students should know how to recognize and write the number 0, differentiate between spotted and spotless puppies, and spell the word "zero.".