Short Notation of Captures Worksheet

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Teach your students some chess skills with this simple worksheet. In the exercise, they will be learning about short notation of captures. To make a short notation of a capture, the player must write the name of the piece, put a cross, and write the name of the square on which the piece captures. For example, the notation Rxd4 means that a rook moved to square d4 and made a capture. However, if a pawn makes a capture, write down the letter of its starting file too. That is; fxg7 would mean that a pawn moved from file 7 to g7 and made a capture. Help your students check the correct notations of the captures on the board.

Required skills:
Students should know how to play chess and be familiar with the basic movements of each piece on the chessboard. They should also know about "captures," which is when a piece is removed from the board. Furthermore, they should be able to record the capture using the "short notation" method explained in the worksheet.