This spooky maze is perfect for Halloween! Kids will be both haunted and delighted while they figure out which words are descriptive or not. Get them excited for learning grammar with this fun and frightful worksheet!
To help your children learn the basics of grammar, start with nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives. This noun search worksheet will help your child understand the most common part of speech - the noun. Ask them to underline the nouns in each sentence. This is a great way to start learning proper grammar.
Read the sentences with your children and ask them to find the nouns. Explain that nouns are names of people, animals, places or things. Point out the boxes with the answers to check.
Treat your child to fun phonics practice with this worksheet: "s" blend words! They’ll enjoy discovering the different sounds and words that start with "s", from snakes to snails and all in between.
Your emergent reader can have fun while practicing their short vowel sounds with this free, brightly colored worksheet. They'll identify one-syllable words by their pictures, then match the correct ending for each. They'll gain an understanding of how short vowel sounds vary in closed syllables with different endings, without even realizing it!
Help your new readers have fun and build their sight word vocabulary! Guide the mice to their prize cheese by having them trace the route on the worksheet, using words with the long o and long i sounds. But watch out for the kitty!
This free PDF lets your children trace and write sight words with tricky blends. The guide numbers help them start from the top, building fine motor skills and enhancing sight word vocab. It's a great way to give your kids a solid foundation for reading!
This printable worksheet helps kids sort nouns into person, place, or thing categories. Perfect for learning the basics of grammar!
This printable worksheet helps kids learn parts of speech by sorting nouns into person, place, or thing categories using familiar images. Perfect for mastering basic grammar!
Look at the pdf with your child and ask which activities they like. Ask them to match the pictures with the sentences. Read the sentences aloud and help them check the right answers. Encourage them to talk about what they see in the pictures. It's a great way to help them learn.
Help your kids identify the animal in the printout. Read the words in the bubbles and then read the four sentences in the options 1 – 4. Ask them to check the box with the correct sentence.
Let's go to the farm to complete this easy worksheet! It gives your child practice with contractions. They'll read the sentences and choose the right contraction to replace the underlined word—all on the fun On the Farm worksheet.
This worksheet is great for building reading and writing skills.
Help your child master basic contractions with this printable worksheet: In the Countryside. Have them go through each sentence and select the right contraction. It's perfect for developing reading and writing skills.
It's hard to keep track of all compound words! Help your child find sun-words with this fun worksheet featuring Aladdin! Your child will enjoy helping Aladdin find his way by finding the right words. It's a great way to learn compound words.