Trace and write the letter "A"! Start with the big red dot, then do the capital and lowercase versions. Then write it again with two words - apple and alligator. Download more tracing worksheets at Kids Academy.
Your students can have fun and learn about the alphabet with this letter «U» worksheet. Pre-schoolers will trace the letter «U», circle words with the letter sound, and learn phonics while boosting their confidence. Doing these tasks will help them understand the letter more.
Does your kid know the letters B and F? This tracing sheet helps them practice by tracing each letter, then drawing a line from a bee and a flower to related words. Recognizing words with pictures develops a great skill, and students will master it in no time!
Practice writing the letter "O" with our new worksheet. Trace and write the letter several times, starting at the red dot. First do the uppercase letter, then the lowercase. Use the pictures to complete the words "Ostrich" and "octopus". Kids Academy offers more fun alphabet worksheets.
Trace and write the letter "R" with this worksheet for kindergarten. Start with the uppercase, then move on to the lowercase. Write the letters several times for practice. Then help complete the words for the rabbit and robot, spelling carefully. More ABC worksheets can be found at Kids Academy.
Trace the uppercase letter "X" to learn, then write it yourself and practice. Then do the same with the lowercase "x" before completing the words "X-ray" and "postbox". Enjoy our alphabet printables!
Trace the lines from the red dot to learn to write "P"! Then practice this letter with the fun activities: complete the word "Pig" and "Pumpkin". Check out Kids Academy to get more free ABC worksheets.
Trace and write "I" uppercase and lowercase. An iguana's tail looks like the uppercase "I" and the lowercase "i" is as small as an inch. Make learning fun with Kids Academy worksheets.
Ready to trace and write the letter "U"? Use our worksheet and practice tracing both uppercase and lowercase letters. Complete the words "umbrella" and "sunny" with a capital "U". Check our full collection of alphabet printables for more activities.
Learn the letter "Q"! Trace and write it a few times in upper and lowercase. Then help the Queen by writing her initial letter. Finally, write "quarters" and practice with more alphabet worksheets.
Is your kid bored with basic letter learning? Try this Letters T & R traceable sheet! It combines tracing and picture matching to help solidify fundamental skills. Your child will gain a better understanding and have fun at the same time.
Did you know different spiders have different eye numbers? Kids will love learning this fact and solving the spider word problems on this free worksheet! Word problems promote a deeper understanding of the concept, plus they get to add up the spiders’ eyes while solving addition problems with more than one addend. Fun and math all in one!
Kids can explore their imagination with the 'Alphabet: Letters D and G' worksheet! They'll trace capital and lowercase "D" and "G" and trace a line from the words. Colorful animals and objects make the task more fun and entertaining!
Understanding math word problems is key. Multiple steps can prove challenging - this free worksheet provides one-to-one picture representation to help kids solve multi-step addition word problems. Strengthen addition skills by choosing the matching picture to the answer.
Learning to write numbers can be easy and fun! Get this new number worksheet to help your child excel. Practice counting, tracing and writing the number “one”, then circle the fish with “1” on them. Revise spelling and have fun! Get more tracing numbers worksheets at Kids Academy and enjoy the learning process.
Help your kids draw a line through the right multiplication facts to guide the state's President to sign the bill into law. This is a big responsibility - the President has been elected to make decisions on behalf of the people and has the power to make laws and sign them.
Read the story of The Dog and His Bone to your kids, making sure they take in the details. Ask them the questions in this worksheet and help them check the answers. Encourage them to think carefully.
Learn numbers in a fun way with our preschool number worksheets. Count six bananas, trace and write the number, find the monkey with six bananas, and trace the word "six." Explore more activities at Kids Academy.
Try one with a cute hen and its seven eggs! Trace and write the number 7, circle the group of seven chicks, and trace the word "seven". Fun and educational!
Trace and write the letter 'C'! Put the pencil at the red dot then follow the lines – the capital letter first then the lowercase one. Cats love it and so will you! Get more free printables to practice tracing and writing.
Ask your students to put an X on the appropriate squares. This worksheet is part of learning chess basics. Each file is marked with a letter and rank with a number. This allows moves and squares to be easily named and noted. e.g. The square marked "e5" is the fifth rank of the e-file.
Trace and write the letter "M" to help kids learn the alphabet. Start at the red dot and practice several times. Trace the capital letter first, then move on to the lowercase. Complete words like "mouse" and "magnet" in the further exercise. Get more free printables here.
Kids can hone tracing, writing and identifying skills for the letter 'I' with this worksheet. Whether visual or reading/writing learners, every child can benefit from the tasks - tracing, writing and circling objects beginning with 'I'. This free sheet will soon get preschoolers confident with the 'I' letter!