Comparing numbers worksheets are a valuable educational tool designed to help students develop a fundamental understanding of numerical magnitude. These worksheets provide various exercises that engage students in comparing and ordering numbers, enabling them to sharpen their numerical skills and mathematical reasoning.

Check out this FREE "Comparing numbers" Trial Lesson!

Comparing Numbers based on Place Value #2

With answer key
  • Comparing numbers
Force and Interactions: Review 1 Worksheet
Force and Interactions: Review 1 Worksheet

Force and Interactions: Review 1 Worksheet

See how well your child can identify the different forces. Explain to your child that force is what causes objects to move, such as wind blowing a branch or an object going down a ramp. Ask them to circle images that show a force and assess how well they can identify them.
Force and Interactions: Review 1 Worksheet
Adding up to 1000 Without Regrouping: Page 12
Adding up to 1000 Without Regrouping: Page 12
Adding up to 1000 Without Regrouping: Page 12
Which Has Less? Worksheet
Which Has Less? Worksheet

Which Has Less? Worksheet

Kids can develop their number sense by comparing and contrasting objects to identify which has less. This worksheet helps them practice: it's bright and colorful, featuring familiar objects and pictures to count, strengthening basic counting skills. It's the perfect warm-up for comparing and contrasting larger numbers.
Which Has Less? Worksheet
Data: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Data: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Data: Assessment 1 Worksheet

This free worksheet helps you assess where your young students are with measurement superlatives like tallest, shortest, heaviest, longest and lightest. It features cute, colorful pics of familiar objects so your kids have a reference, and helps you identify areas to work on.
Data: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Greater Than Worksheet
Greater Than Worksheet

Greater Than Worksheet

Tired of generic maths problems? Try this fun pdf worksheet! With your child or student, carefully look through the numbers in the balloon and circle those greater than 35. Enjoyable and educational!
Greater Than Worksheet
Adding up to 50: Page 64
Adding up to 50: Page 64

Adding up to 50: Page 64

Adding up to 50: Page 64
Beaver Pond: Comparing Solutions Worksheet
Beaver Pond: Comparing Solutions Worksheet

Beaver Pond: Comparing Solutions Worksheet

Got a problem? This science worksheet is great for helping your child compare solutions and pick the best one. Kids get to rate each option's effectiveness by ticking off boxes, from most to least. It's a great way to encourage problem-solving skills, while having fun!
Beaver Pond: Comparing Solutions Worksheet
Ordering Flowers Worksheet
Ordering Flowers Worksheet

Ordering Flowers Worksheet

Preschoolers can start learning measurement with visuals! This worksheet uses colorful flowers of different heights. Ask your learner to observe the flowers, then help them compare/answer which is taller/shorter. It's an easy way for them to begin learning about measurement.
Ordering Flowers Worksheet
Adding up to 100 Without Regrouping: Page 29
Adding up to 100 Without Regrouping: Page 29
Adding up to 100 Without Regrouping: Page 29
Adding up to 1000: Page 63
Adding up to 1000: Page 63

Adding up to 1000: Page 63

Adding up to 1000: Page 63
Preschool Sight Words: Help
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Preschool Sight Words: Help

Preschool Sight Words: Help
Grade 3 Sight Words: Eight
Grade 3 Sight Words: Eight

Grade 3 Sight Words: Eight

Grade 3 Sight Words: Eight


Question icon

What does the Comparing numbers skill mean when it comes to Kindergarten Measurement learning?

The Comparing numbers skill in Kindergarten Measurement learning involves teaching children to identify and understand the relative sizes or quantities of numbers. It helps them determine which numbers are greater, smaller, or equal by comparing two or more numbers, laying a foundational understanding for measurement concepts and number sense development at an early educational stage.

Question icon

How to train the Comparing numbers skill in Kindergarten students learning about Measurement?

To train the Comparing numbers skill in Kindergarten students, use tangible objects and visual aids. Start with simple comparisons between two groups of objects (e. g. , toys, blocks) to identify which group has "more," "less," or the "same" number of items.

Question icon

How does the mastery of the Comparing numbers skill affect a student's performance at an early age?

Mastery of the Comparing Numbers skill at an early age significantly boosts a student's mathematical understanding and confidence. It lays a foundational understanding for arithmetic, critical thinking, and problem-solving, which are essential for advanced mathematical concepts. Early competency in comparing numbers can lead to improved academic performance, better logical reasoning abilities, and a positive attitude towards learning mathematics.