Branches of the Government Worksheet - Answers and Completion Rate

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Tasks in the Worksheet:
The main idea of a text is what the text is all about. Task 1. Read the passage and identify the main idea. There are three branches in the United States government, the judicial, the legislative, and the executive. Each branch has its own job, and that way the power is spread equally. The judicial branch is in charge of interpreting the laws. There are many courts in the judicial branch, the highest court being the Supreme Court. The legislative branch is composed of the Senate and the House of Representatives. This branch is in charge of making the laws. The executive branch is responsible for implementing and enforcing the laws. In order to make sure one branch does not become more powerful than the other, the checks and balances was put into place. This means that each branch has some power to check the other branches. Task 2. Check the main idea of the passage.
Branches of the Government Worksheet Answer Key
Branches of the Government Worksheet
Branches of the Government Worksheet Learning Value
The basic learning value of this worksheet is to teach students about the essential branches of government in the United States, how they work, and their functions. It also helps students develop reading and comprehension skills, and critical thinking abilities as they identify the main idea. By learning about the branches of government, students can become more informed citizens, which is essential to democracy.