Questions About Informational Texts: Assessment 1 Worksheet - Answers and Completion Rate

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Tasks in the Worksheet:
Listen to this passage, then answer the questions below. Our school community is diverse. Diverse means that there are many different kinds of people who make up our school community. Our community includes students, teachers, and families with different color skin, who speak different languages, and who have different ways of doing things. We all come together as a community to help each other learn and grow. We celebrate our diversity because we learn new and fun things from our differences. This makes the community happy. Task one, check the type of community described in this passage. Task two, check a diverse group of students. Task three, check how the school community feels about being diverse.
Questions About Informational Texts: Assessment 1 Worksheet Answer Key
Questions About Informational Texts: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Questions About Informational Texts: Assessment 1 Worksheet Learning Value
The basic learning value of this worksheet is to help students develop their listening and comprehension skills while also building their social awareness and understanding. Additionally, it encourages critical thinking by asking students to make connections between the text and their own experiences.