Volcano Words Worksheet - Answers and Completion Rate

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Tasks in the Worksheet:
Read the text, then answer the questions below by circling true or false. Volcanoes have different kinds of materials. Magma is the liquid found inside the volcano. When this comes out, or erupts, it is called lava. It is red, orange, or white, depending on its temperature. Lava is extremely hot and slides down the sides of the volcano. The tiny hard pieces of rock that erupt are called ash. Ash clouds can destroy a whole town.
Volcano Words Worksheet Answer Key
Volcano Words Worksheet
Volcano Words Worksheet Learning Value
The basic learning value of this worksheet is to help students improve their reading comprehension skills, expand their vocabulary, and gain knowledge about volcanoes. It also promotes critical thinking as students have to determine whether statements are true or false based on their understanding of the text.