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Comparing Fractions

July 12, 2022

Previously, your children have learned to recognize equivalent fractions. Today, you will facilitate the learning of your kids on the topic on comparing fractions.

Comparing fractions means determining which is greater than or less than between two fractions or determining if they are equivalent or equal. Explain to your kids that greater than is used to indicate that a number has a higher value compared to the other one, whereas less than is used when a number has a lower value with reference to the other number. On the other hand, equal to is used when the two numbers have the same value.

Below are the symbols used in comparing fractions. Let your kids draw these symbols so that they would easily remember them.

>            :              symbol for greater than

<            :              symbol for less than


=            :              symbol for equal to       

After familiarizing the kids with the symbols, use the following examples to test their understanding of the symbols. Use a board and a marker, and write the given fractions. Let the kids supply the appropriate symbol for each. Advise your kids to convert each fraction to graphical representation so that it would be easier for them to determine the right symbol that will complete each equation. Guide them in choosing the figure they will use in making the representations. They may create illustrations of pizza, cake, chocolate bar, furniture, blocks, and any other things that they are familiar with.

  1. 1/2 _____  1/3
  2. 1/4 _____  1/8
  3. 1/3 _____  1/5
  4. 2/3 _____  1/4
  5. 1/8 _____  1/20

Answers for items a to e are all “>” (greater than).

  1. 1/2 _____  3/4
  2. 3/4 _____  4/4
  3. 5/7 _____  6/7
  4. 3/8 _____  5/8
  5. 1/9 _____  1/7

Answers for items f to j are all “>” (less than).

  1. 1/2 _____  2/4
  2. 1/3 _____  2/6
  3. 1/4 _____  2/8
  4. 1/5 _____  2/10
  5. 1/6 _____  2/12

Answers for items k to o are all “=” (equal to).

If your kids have performed well in the above activity, it means they have mastered the lessons. If it is the other way around, give them another set of similar questions. You may use the items below:

  1. 2/9 _____  2/10
  2. 3/8 _____  1/4
  3. 1/3 _____  1/12

Answers for items a to c are all “>” (greater than).

  1. 2/3 _____  3/3
  2. 1/4 _____  3/4
  3. 4/7 _____  7/7

Answers for items d to f are all “>” (less than).

  1. 2/3 _____  4/6
  2. 1/5 _____  2/10
  3. 3/4 _____  6/8
  4. 4/5 _____  8/10

Answers for items g to j are all “=” (equal to).

If they have finally performed well, ask your kids how confident they are with their skills in comparing fractions. If they answer that they are already confident, you may now use the interactive worksheets finely crafted by Kids Academy. Kids Academy is passionate in creating meaningful and relevant worksheets for your kids' learning.

The first worksheet, Scottish Sewing Math Worksheet is designed to help your kids see the significance of comparing fractions. The activity integrates a problem related to sewing, and highlights how comparing fractions helps in the process. If the children are able to determine the greater fractions, they can apply their skills in similar scenarios in real life.

fr1 The second worksheet, Mexican Cooking Worksheet is constructed to let the children know how comparing fractions plays a role in important activities like cooking. If they succeed in this activity, it will broaden their perspectives in terms of comparing fractions to execute a task, in this case, obtaining the right amounts of ingredients.

fr2 The third worksheet, Korean Cooking Worksheet, targets to assess the children’s skills in comparing sets of fractions of food as eaten by two individuals. This is helpful as they can relate their food-sharing experiences, thus reinforcing the learning of comparison of fractions.

fr3 The fourth worksheet, World Traveler Worksheet, completes the activities for fractions. This is a wrap-up worksheet aimed at solidifying your children’s learning of the lesson. It also integrates the concept of geography which makes the presented word problem more interesting.

fr4 To sum it up, your kids are now skilled in comparing fractions. They can now determine if a fraction is greater than, lesser than, or equal to a given fraction. With your patience and care, your children have surpassed another challenging topic. Thus, this brings you to the end of the Math learning bundle centered on Fractions. We look forward to seeing you in the Third Math Learning Bundle! Congratulations for a job well done!

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