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Fun Online Games to Develop 5 Essential Math Skills in Preschool

June 21, 2024

There is abundant research that tells us that kids of all ages learn best through experiences that bring them joy. Not only do children learn more when they’re having fun, but they foster a more positive perception of what they’re studying and grow to enjoy learning in general. 

photo of toddler counting

In this article, we will talk about the major groups of core math skills preschoolers need to acquire and will recommend fun interactive games that will help to boost those skills through play. Our focus will be on these five foundational math concepts:

  • counting to 10
  • writing numbers
  • recognizing and matching shapes
  • matching quantities
  • addition and subtraction within 10

Let’s Have a Closer Look at Each of the Skills and Games that Support Them!

  • Counting to 10

Toddlers learn to count almost as soon as they learn to speak! While they can easily practice counting to ten with hands-on manipulatives at home, it becomes trickier when they must associate what they count with written numbers. 

For example, this game challenges players to count the fruits or vegetables in each box and match the boxes with the correct written number. Simply drag a box to its matching counterpart to complete the match until all the boxes say “packed”! 

gif of quantity to number matching game

For more of a challenge, some games use counters instead of recognizable objects and require little learners to count larger quantities of items as shown in this game: 

screenshot of quantity to number matching game

  • Writing numbers

Preschoolers spend a lot of time tracing and writing letters, but they must also practice writing numbers, too! Just like letters, writing numbers require specific pencil strokes. 

This game guides kids through writing each number by indicating where to begin and by offering fireflies that learners collect in a jar as they continue to trace the number. How many fireflies can your child collect?

gif of number 3 tracing game

Furthermore, writing numbers can be tough because there’s more to it than just the numerals; they must also learn how numbers are spelled! This game offers practice spelling numbers. The professional voicing explains how the number is spelled and walks kids through it one letter at a time.  In the corner, the numeral is displayed so users can connect the number to its spelled form.

screenshot of number word tracing game

  • Recognizing and matching shapes

Toddlers quickly learn basic shapes like rectangles and squares, but they soon move on to 3D shapes and how they take form in real life. These early geometry skills seem simple but help set the stage for learning more advanced math concepts! 

This game tasks players with matching a 3D shape with a corresponding object. Children will drag the shape to its matching object and the game will say the name of the shape aloud. 

gif of object and 3D shape matching game

In this game, kids match 2D and 3D shapes and objects to its written name. This challenges learners because it uses a mix of shapes and real-life objects and it requires them to read the words. If a child is unable to read the word, once they make a correct guess, the voicing will say it aloud. 

screenshot of shape and name matching game

  • Matching quantities and recognizing groups of objects

Having the ability to match quantities and recognize a group of items adds to a child’s number sense in that it aids in their understanding of how numbers and math work. Later, they use these skills to quickly complete mental math or to understand more complex math operations. 

This game asks players to match boxes that contain the same number of fruits or vegetables. 

image of groups of objects matching game

  • 1-digit addition and subtraction

Solving arithmetic problems takes a lot of practice but isn’t always very fun. This game transforms addition and subtraction problems into a puzzle to solve by offering a cute maze that can only be navigated by correctly answering the problem. Help the dog find his way by leading his bone to the correct answer! 

gif of subtraction maze game

The Toy Box, a new feature in Talented and Gifted Online learning program (TG Online), was created to offer learners yet another engaging way to explore and practice crucial math and ELA skills. In it, you’ll find a whole host of online learning games that your kids will love.

GIF of Talented and Gifted online home screen

Our online games supplement your child’s learning while making their experience fun and joyful! To check out all the learning games in the Toy Box, explore TG Online today with a 1 MONTH FREE TRIAL

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