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Education Numbers 11–20 Easy Worksheets for Preschool

Our Easy Numbers 11–20 PDF Worksheets are a great way to introduce your preschooler to numbers 11 through 20. Perfectly designed to facilitate learning, the free printable preschool math worksheets offer a variety of activities ranging from simple counting and tracing games to more advanced fill-in-the-blank practice sheets. Your child will have fun recognizing, writing and working with the numbers 11-20 with the help of colorful activities and clear instructions. Our easy-to-use PDF worksheets are sure to become a must-have item in any preschooler's classroom. Give your child the best advantage with our Numbers 11–20 PDF Worksheets.

Check out this FREE Preschool Trial Lesson on Numbers 11–20!


With answer key
  • Preschool
  • Numbers 11–20
  • Easy
Halloween Counting Worksheet from 11 to 20
Halloween Counting Worksheet from 11 to 20

Ordering 11–20: Halloween Counting Worksheet

No matter the time of year, help your child get ready for Halloween with this worksheet. They'll practice counting from 11 to 20, recognizing numbers, and using a pencil to draw. By connecting the dots, they'll create a pumpkin picture, while unknowingly strengthening their early math skills. Print it today for an educational and fun experience!
Ordering 11–20: Halloween Counting Worksheet
Dot to Dot Numbers 11-20
Dot to Dot Numbers 11-20

Ordering 11–20: Chicken & Egg Dot–to–dot Worksheet

Help your child hatch the chick and practice their counting skills with this dot to dot worksheet – the chicken came first! Connect the dots 11-20 to have fun and learn at the same time. Experience meaningful practice and gain confidence while drawing great pictures.
Ordering 11–20: Chicken & Egg Dot–to–dot Worksheet
Dot to Dot Worksheets 11 to 20
Dot to Dot Worksheets 11 to 20

Ordering 11–20: Dot–to–dot Seashell Printable

Connecting the dots 11 to 20 is rewarding for kids, helping them practice counting, identifying numbers and gain cognitive and logical skills. Our worksheet features a vibrant image of a seashell, crab and sea star, and your child will feel rewarded creating it while honing their counting skills!
Ordering 11–20: Dot–to–dot Seashell Printable

Effective and Enjoyable Way for Preschoolers to Learn: Easy Worksheets on Numbers 11-20 PDF Worksheets

Using the Easy Worksheets on Numbers 11–20 PDF Worksheets is an effective and enjoyable way for preschoolers to learn to count and recognize numerical symbols. An early introduction to numbers and numericals helps the child to develop an understanding of the core fundamentals of number and arithmetic, which will form the foundation of future math lessons and concepts.

The PDF worksheets provide a variety of number-related activities and tasks which all help foster a strong base in numerical recognition and counting. These activities are suitable for all age groups in pre-school, as well as any caregivers or teachers who might be instructing the children as part of their home learning or preschool/after school program.

An advantage of working through the Worksheets is that there are plenty of options available in terms of the activity, allowing preschoolers to work through at their own pace and with their own preferred activity type. This ensures that there are plenty of options and resources available to the student. Some of the activities the Worksheets provide might include counting the number of objects, drawing a picture which includes a certain number of items, matching numericals with numerical symbols, or having a student or caregiver place items into a numbered sequence and asking the student to repeat.

Moreover, the worksheets are self-paced and do not require any external guidance or setup. All the activities on the PDF are designed in an easy-to-understand format and designed to encourage the child to think and recognize number patterns, as well as counting.

The well-crafted activities and simple design make using the Easy Worksheets a great resource to not only numerically recognize the numbers 11–20, but also give room to the student to explore and learn more in-depth concepts. With each set of worksheets, the student will learn that number recognition and numerical understanding is an important part of daily life, and that each number has an order, value and an associated symbol.

Overall, Easy Worksheets on Numbers 11-20 PDF Worksheets are a great resource for helping preschoolers learn and develop their numerical understanding. This set of PDF worksheets provides a broad range of activities which allow for complex development and at the same time, encourages the student to explore the numerical symbols and learn the importance of recognizing number patterns. This is the perfect way to help the student build on their valuable number-related skills and move on to advance mathematics concepts.