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Unlock the world of words for your little ones with our "Normal Grammar for 4-Year-Olds" worksheets! Designed specifically for young minds, these engaging and colorful worksheets are the perfect introduction to the basics of grammar. Your preschooler will enjoy exploring fun activities that teach essential skills such as sentence structure, parts of speech, and the use of punctuation. Created by experts in early childhood education, our worksheets make learning easy and enjoyable, laying a strong foundation for your child's language development. Watch your 4-year-old master the basics of grammar with confidence and ease. Start their journey to becoming grammar gurus today!

Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Grammar for age 4!

Combine Nouns and Verbs to Form Sentences

With answer key
  • 4
  • Interactive
  • Grammar
  • Normal
Letter Spacing Practice Worksheet
Letter Spacing Practice Worksheet

Letter Spacing Practice Worksheet

Encourage your preschoolers to practice writing with this worksheet. Ask them to identify the animals in the picture and help them trace the letters to form the words. It'll help develop their writing skills and even if they make mistakes, you can guide them with a helping hand.
Letter Spacing Practice Worksheet
Forming Sentences: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Forming Sentences: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Forming Sentences: Assessment 2 Worksheet

A community is an area with different people, buildings and professionals. Ask students to list buildings in their area, then help find Sam. Describe where he is and check the boxes in the worksheet. At the bottom, help complete the sentences by checking the missing word.
Forming Sentences: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Preposition Planets Worksheet
Preposition Planets Worksheet

Preposition Planets Worksheet

Remind your child about outer space: which planet do we live on, and who travels there for research? Explain that prepositions show location, direction, and time. Look at the worksheet with colorful pictures of astronauts. Help your kids draw lines to the words that complete each sentence.
Preposition Planets Worksheet
Down by the Bay: Choose the Verb Worksheet
Down by the Bay: Choose the Verb Worksheet

Down by the Bay: Choose the Verb Worksheet

Teach your kids about verbs: words that describe actions, like 'playing', 'eating', 'talking'. Ask your child to give their own verbs, then read the sentences in a worksheet and help them pick the best one for each question.
Down by the Bay: Choose the Verb Worksheet
Where Is the Ant? Worksheet
Where Is the Ant? Worksheet

Where Is the Ant? Worksheet

Kids are captivated by ants. Andre is a busy ant, marching through the forest. Help your child circle the best word that best describes what he's doing in each picture. This colorful printout will show them the way.
Where Is the Ant? Worksheet
Rime Time Worksheet
Rime Time Worksheet

Rime Time Worksheet

This free PDF worksheet helps new and emerging readers identify rimes (the letters after initial consonants) and practice fine motor skills. Kids trace the correct rimes for each picture and increase their fluency and decoding skills with each one!
Rime Time Worksheet
Identify Individual Words Worksheet
Identify Individual Words Worksheet

Identify Individual Words Worksheet

Does your child have trouble constructing sentences? Check out this worksheet! It will help them identify words that make up sentences and assess how well they can read and answer questions. The first part tests how well they can recognize a written sentence. The second part has them read questions and circle the correct number of words. Give it a try!
Identify Individual Words Worksheet
Read Words Order Part 2 Worksheet
Read Words Order Part 2 Worksheet

Read Words Order Part 2 Worksheet

Help your students make progress with reading by using this easy worksheet. It includes two pictures with short sentences your child should be able to read. Ask them to read these out loud, and if they're struggling, help them. Then, they should check the box that shows the page they'd read first.
Read Words Order Part 2 Worksheet
Read Words Order Part 1 Worksheet
Read Words Order Part 1 Worksheet

Read Words Order Part 1 Worksheet

Is your child just starting out with reading or having trouble? This worksheet is perfect! It'll help them learn the right way to read. Ask them to circle the arrow that shows the right direction to read. With this exercise, your child can overcome some of their reading challenges.
Read Words Order Part 1 Worksheet
Verbs and Nouns Worksheet
Verbs and Nouns Worksheet

Verbs and Nouns Worksheet

Your child should have basic knowledge of verbs and nouns before starting this worksheet. Go through it with them and ask them to circle the pictures with nouns under them. This way, they'll become more familiar with parts of speech.
Verbs and Nouns Worksheet
Similar Words Worksheet
Similar Words Worksheet

Similar Words Worksheet

Test your child's knowledge of synonyms by having them name five words for "up"! This tracing sheet is a fun way to do it: your child must trace the dotted lines to put each ball in its right basket. To do so, they must know the synonyms and trace them to the correct baskets.
Similar Words Worksheet
Words with Un– Worksheet
Words with Un– Worksheet

Words with Un– Worksheet

Prefixes can change the meaning of words. Adding "Un-" can give the opposite meaning, like Un-true, Un-happy, and Un-finish. Help your child learn with this worksheet. Draw a line to the picture that shows each word's meaning.
Words with Un– Worksheet
Which Is Correct? Worksheet
Which Is Correct? Worksheet

Which Is Correct? Worksheet

Go over the exercise with your students. Ask them to read the sentences and explain what they mean. Check the pictures that correspond to the sentences. For example, what does "My dad likes to fish" mean? Test their understanding with the worksheet.
Which Is Correct? Worksheet
Guess the Meaning Worksheet
Guess the Meaning Worksheet

Guess the Meaning Worksheet

Help your child learn the meanings of words in different contexts by using this colourful, free worksheet. What is the meaning of the underlined words in each sentence? Look at the images and pick the one that accurately describes the word's context.
Guess the Meaning Worksheet
Warm Words Worksheet
Warm Words Worksheet

Warm Words Worksheet

Learning with tracing sheets is fun! Ask your child to list some things associated with warm temperatures. Then, trace the arrows on the worksheet with them and explore the items that can be warm. Have fun!
Warm Words Worksheet
Words Are Fun Worksheet
Words Are Fun Worksheet

Words Are Fun Worksheet

Homonyms are words that sound the same but have different meaning and spelling. Young authors may get confused. This PDF worksheet helps them practice by matching the homonyms to pictures. They'll also build fine motor skills, important for legible writing.
Words Are Fun Worksheet
Tricky Words Worksheet
Tricky Words Worksheet

Tricky Words Worksheet

Young authors can find homonyms tricky - this brightly coloured worksheet will help them gain practice. Tracing lines to identify homonyms in easy-to-read sentences will also help improve their fine motor skills, essential for effective writing.
Tricky Words Worksheet
Spacing Quiz Worksheet
Spacing Quiz Worksheet

Spacing Quiz Worksheet

Space between words is key for writing legibly. It can be hard for beginners to get it right - help them practice with a fun nature-themed worksheet! Just have them read each sentence slowly, listening for where spaces should be and looking to see if they've been added in the right places.
Spacing Quiz Worksheet
Worksheet: Verb or Noun
Worksheet: Verb or Noun

Verb or Noun Worksheet

This worksheet will help your child identify verbs and nouns quickly. With colorful highlights and simple sentences, they'll master parts of speech in no time! Get ahead of the game with this incredible worksheet.
Verb or Noun Worksheet
Worksheet: Learning Syllables
Worksheet: Learning Syllables

Learning Syllables Word Structure Worksheet

Teach kids to read and spell with our fun Learning Syllables worksheet. Kids will have a blast clapping and saying familiar words while counting syllables. Colorful and catchy, it's a great way to make learning enjoyable!
Learning Syllables Word Structure Worksheet
Word structure worksheet: syllables
Word structure worksheet: syllables

Finding Syllables Word Structure Worksheet

Have your kid clap and count syllables in words to improve their reading and spelling! Use this word structure worksheet for a fun activity - syllables!
Finding Syllables Word Structure Worksheet
Printable maze worksheet: syllables
Printable maze worksheet: syllables

Maze Syllables Word Structure Worksheet

Can your child find their way from the start to the finish? Can your child lead the correct animal to the train using our fun printable maze? It's puzzling from the start, with a two-syllable animal name at the end. See if they can make it to the finish! They'll have a blast!
Maze Syllables Word Structure Worksheet
Word structure worksheet: practice plurals
Word structure worksheet: practice plurals

Let's Practice Plurals Word Structure Worksheet

Practise plurals with this meaningful word structure worksheet. Plurals can be tricky for kids, but with this worksheet they'll learn to transform singular words with certain ends into plural forms.
Let's Practice Plurals Word Structure Worksheet

Normal Grammar worksheets for 4-Year-Olds represent a cornerstone in laying down the fundamentals of language learning for young minds. In the formative years, children are at their peak of curiosity and ability to absorb new information, making it the perfect time to introduce structured language concepts. Normal Grammar worksheets are specifically designed to cater to this age group, offering a blend of simplicity and engagement that keeps learning fun yet effective.

These worksheets serve multiple purposes. Firstly, they introduce children to the basic building blocks of language, such as nouns, verbs, and adjectives, in a manner that is comprehensible to their developing minds. Engaging with these concepts early on helps in nurturing a solid foundation for more complex language skills in the future.

Secondly, Normal Grammar worksheets for 4-Year-Olds are crafted to enhance cognitive skills, such as problem-solving and critical thinking, through language-focused exercises. This dual approach not only improves their grammar but also sharpens their overall cognitive abilities.

Moreover, these worksheets encourage a habit of practice and consistency. Regular engagement with these materials fosters discipline and a love for learning, traits that are invaluable throughout one's educational journey.

In conclusion, Normal Grammar worksheets for 4-Year-Olds are not just about learning grammar; they are about setting a strong educational foundation, developing cognitive skills, and instilling a lifelong love for learning.