Dec. 28, 2020
When parents or teachers think of extracurricular activities that can boost academic skills and learning, they usually don’t think about chess. We live in a society that seems to have put more traditional activities on the back burner, while turning more towards athletics and the fine arts.
However, with the pandemic halting rehearsals, concerts, and sporting events in their tracks, it’s never been a better time to explore something new! Kids Academy has a new learning course that will introduce your child to chess. Start your students on an extracurricular journey that can boost learning skills in a huge way. Keep reading to find out more about Kids Academy chess course!
July 19, 2022
The amazing game of chess has withstood the test of time, becoming known as one of the world’s greatest games! While gameplay has remained much the same, the culture of chess players, tournaments, and the access to training software has evolved to reach and connect with younger generations. While your child learns how to play chess, excite him or her with the fascinating ways technology has influenced game for good!
Feb. 25, 2021
Here at Kids Academy, we love to talk about the many benefits of teaching children to play chess! We’ve already written about how learning to play can pay off in the form of academic success, but did you know that it can directly impact your child’s math skills in a multitude of positive ways? Read this article to discover the amazing chess and math connection and explore how teaching your kids can both directly and indirectly improve their math skills and performance.
Feb. 8, 2021
In previous articles, we have talked quite a bit about the plethora of amazing online apps available for teaching kids how to play chess. While there are truly amazing resources on the web for kids to learn and practice the game, nothing can replace the level and quality of learning a child can glean from reading a book! Read this article to explore our list of the top book titles from renowned authors that will transform your little chess player from beginner to master!
Jan. 26, 2021
If you’re like many parents, you might have signed your kids up for activities such as dance, music lessons, or sports. But what about chess? This ancient game might at first glance seem too difficult for young learners to master, but in fact even preschoolers can start to play. Studies show that the benefits of chess for kids are long-ranging and multifaceted. This article explores what the research has to say about starting kids on chess before they even start school!