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Grammar. Parts of Speech for 2nd Grade. Verb.

Dec. 3, 2021

A verb is a word that shows action.  It describes what a person did yesterday. It also tells what one is doing today or what he or she does every day. It also says what someone will do in the future.

A verb has a tense. Tense shows if the action happens in the past, present, or future. It is important to know about verbs because people use verbs in their sentences in their everyday lives.

When someone narrates a story, he or she needs verbs. When people exchange messages, they need verbs. Verbs are used in every sentence whether people want to talk about their activities, interests, or plans.

A verb says something about a noun, it usually follows a noun. Here are the examples:

  1. Sheila walked to school yesterday.
  2. Andrei watched the final match of the basketball teams.
  3. Nathaniel ate his lunch at the cafeteria.

The examples above happened in the past. They are in the past tense.  Actions in the past tense are activities that are already finished, accomplished, or missed. Verbs form their past tenses differently, for some verbs, you can add “d” or “ed.” These verbs are called regular verbs. Examples are:

  • walked,
  • watched,
  • crossed,
  • continued.

On the other hand, there are verbs that change their spellings when written in their past forms.  Examples are:

  • eat becomes ate,
  • run becomes ran,
  • draw becomes drew,
  • and begin becomes began.

Furthermore, there are other verbs that do not change their spellings when used in the past tense. Examples are:

  • read” is still spelled “read” but is pronounced differently,
  • and “cut” is still the past form of the word “cut.”

The verbs that change their spellings when forming their past equivalents or that retain their original spellings when used in the past are called irregular verbs.

To test the learning of your kids, here are the worksheets that can be used. First, Down by the Bay: Choose the Verb Worksheet, this worksheet will help assess whether they understood what verbs are and whether they can identify the suitable verbs that will complete the sentences.

choose the verb worksheet

If they have successfully answered this, they can proceed to the second worksheet: Past Tense Verbs Word Search Worksheet. This activity gives them more exposure to both regular and irregular verbs through a challenging word search.

past tens verbs worksheet

If they completed the challenge, they are now ready for the third worksheet: Race Car Verbs Worksheet. This tests their knowledge of regular verbs. This also increases the retention of students on how to form the past tense of these verbs. When your kids perform well, they are now well-versed with regular verbs.

race car verbs worksheet

For the final task, here is the worksheet:  Irregular Verbs: Stones Worksheet. This activity creates more fun as they have a mission to help King Arthur, allowing you to test the knowledge of your kids on irregular verbs.

irregular verb worksheet

Learn more about verbs with Kids Academy Classroom!

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