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What’s New in Kids Academy Blog

Feb. 7, 2022

Here comes our first monthly digest in 2022! Let’s have a look at our fresh publications from January and make sure you haven’t missed what you absolutely need to read.  

 Chinese New Year 2022 – Year of the Tiger

To those celebrating this vibrant holiday, we wish you to have a great year filled with good health, a lot of joy and the best of success!

If you are interested to learn more about the Chinese New Year, check out our special article and offer your kid some of these fun worksheets to discover intriguing facts and traditions of the holiday now popular with billions of people around the globe.

Back to School After the Winter Break

So, how did January go after all the end-of-year festivities? For many it is more of a challenge than a welcome change to get back to the school routine after the winter break. In any case, it would be beneficial to bring the spark back into studying with some fun and magic based purely on science. Don’t miss our article about this period and these easy magic worksheets

Critical Thinking and Pseudoscience

There is no doubt that critical thinking is the top skill we expect our children to develop through studying for their successful future in the rapidly changing world. What can be done to help them do so amidst the ocean of diverse information? Jorezza Antonio, expert in behavioral therapy, reflects upon the ways in which critical thinking can be nurtured and what pseudoscience has to do with that in this article


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 Hyperactivity in Children: Tips for Parents and Calming Games Ideas

If you have a toddler in your family, you are sure to know that at this age little ones can often be hard to handle. Olga Kitina, our expert in special education and speech therapy, shares some practical ideas and tips on how to deal with such difficult moments and bring back peace and harmony. 

6 Benefits of Puzzles for Kids You Might Not Know About

If by any chance you missed National Puzzle Day celebrated on January 29th, it’s not a problem: puzzles are great for any day of the year! Today or tomorrow, winter or summer, they are sure to improve the way our brain functions at any age. Learn more about how puzzles work and what other benefits kids get from doing them in this inspiring article by Kids Academy! 

Cyberbullying: Warning Signs, Effects on Children and How to Help

Living in the world of gadgets and social media unfortunately brings bullying to a new level; cyberbullying is likely to have even more traumatic consequences than a face-to-face confrontation. From this article by the behavioral therapist Jorezza Antonio you can learn how to identify cyberbullying, its effects on children and ways to deal with this complicated and delicate issue. 

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