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Enhance your child's spelling skills with our engaging Spelling Practice Worksheets designed for ages 4-9! Kids Academy offers a variety of fun, interactive printed activities that cater to young learners at different stages. These worksheets help children build a strong foundation in spelling while also improving their vocabulary, reading, and writing skills. Perfect for both classroom settings and at-home learning, our worksheets cover essential spelling rules and common word patterns. Get ready to see your child's confidence and proficiency grow in no time. Visit Kids Academy today and make spelling practice enjoyable and effective!

Check out this FREE "Spelling practice" Trial Lesson for age 4-9!

Irregular Spellings

With answer key
  • 4-9
  • Spelling practice
Plural Nouns Practice Worksheet
Plural Nouns Practice Worksheet

Plural Nouns Practice Worksheet

Explain to your child that most singular nouns become plural by adding "-s". E.g. "cat"->"cats". For words ending in "-ch", "-sh", "-s", "-x", or "-zz", add "-es". E.g. "buzz"->"buzzes". Then, get them to circle the right plural form of each noun on the worksheet.
Plural Nouns Practice Worksheet
Plural Nouns Ending with -o Worksheet
Plural Nouns Ending with -o Worksheet

Plural Nouns Ending with -o Worksheet

Have your child use this printable sheet to learn how to make singular nouns plural. Ask them to draw a line from pictures to the correct plural forms, such as 'kangaroos' and 'tomatoes'. This worksheet provides an easy and fun way for your child to learn this important grammar concept.
Plural Nouns Ending with -o Worksheet
Word structure worksheet: practice plurals
Word structure worksheet: practice plurals

Let's Practice Plurals Word Structure Worksheet

Practise plurals with this meaningful word structure worksheet. Plurals can be tricky for kids, but with this worksheet they'll learn to transform singular words with certain ends into plural forms.
Let's Practice Plurals Word Structure Worksheet
Rhyming Words: Assessment Worksheet
Rhyming Words: Assessment Worksheet

Rhyming Words: Assessment Worksheet

Help Little Red Riding Hood find rhyming words with "red". Download and print this worksheet. Have your child circle the rhyming words and pictures. Get them to say each word out loud and compare it to the word "red". When they're done, review the answers and talk about any words that don't rhyme.
Rhyming Words: Assessment Worksheet
Birthday Words Worksheet
Birthday Words Worksheet

Birthday Words Worksheet

Kids adore birthday parties! Whether it's theirs or a friend's, the event is a huge draw for kids. This fun birthday-themed worksheet teaches kids to identify the letter combination -ir. Get them to scan and circle the colorful words that contain -ir. It's an exciting PDF page they won't want to miss!
Birthday Words Worksheet
Long Vowel Review Worksheet
Long Vowel Review Worksheet

Long Vowel Review Worksheet

Vowel teams like "ea" and "ai" help us make words, and understanding these patterns aids emerging readers in becoming more fluent. This review worksheet has students finding words with vowel teams that make the long vowel sound, and helps them recognize high-frequency words.
Long Vowel Review Worksheet
Vocabulary: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Vocabulary: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Vocabulary: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Opposites attract! Boost your preschooler's vocabulary by reviewing antonyms with this fun worksheet. View the images, read the words, and find the opposites. Guide your learner with the illustrations, then discuss each one before they trace the dotted lines to match. Have fun and reinforce learning!
Vocabulary: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Plural Endings Maze Worksheet
Plural Endings Maze Worksheet

Plural Endings Maze Worksheet

Help your child have fun while learning new things with this worksheet. Does your child know that some nouns require '-es' to make them plural? Use this pdf to teach them the rule and get the little frog to its mother – draw a line through the words with '-es' plural forms.
Plural Endings Maze Worksheet
Long vs Short O Reading Worksheet
Long vs Short O Reading Worksheet

Long vs Short O Reading Worksheet

Help your child learn to identify the long and short «o» sound with this colourful worksheet. Guide them as they spot words with the long or short «o» sound. With practice, your child will find it easier to tell the difference between the two.
Long vs Short O Reading Worksheet
Vowel team ee Worksheet
Vowel team ee Worksheet

Vowel team ee Worksheet

Revised: Kids will have a blast steering cars with the -ee digraph towards Street Three! This fast-paced worksheet reinforces that -ee makes the long -e sound while boosting fine motor skills. Kids will love the bright colors and stay engaged with this fun printable. Get ready for hours of off-road excitement!
Vowel team ee Worksheet
Severe Weather Words Worksheet
Severe Weather Words Worksheet

Severe Weather Words Worksheet

Help your child learn about severe weather with this PDF worksheet! Review each image's term and discuss, then have kids unscramble the words. Match the picture number to the term by selecting the correct box. Let your kids work through it and become weather-savvy!
Severe Weather Words Worksheet
Adding up to 1000: Page 59
Adding up to 1000: Page 59

Adding up to 1000: Page 59

Adding up to 1000: Page 59
Let's Check Long Vowels: Assessment Worksheet
Let's Check Long Vowels: Assessment Worksheet

Let's Check Long Vowels: Assessment Worksheet

This worksheet helps your child identify objects and learn long vowel sounds. Ask them to say the names of the four objects in each row. Then, help them check the boxes to confirm they know the long vowel sounds. This will help them develop their reading skills.
Let's Check Long Vowels: Assessment Worksheet
Find the words printable worksheet
Find the words printable worksheet

Find The Words Printable Worksheet

Hunt for words while reading this birthday story! This printable worksheet will help your child practice early reading skills as they search for words in the text. Enjoy the story and find the words!
Find The Words Printable Worksheet
Adding up to 50: Page 40
Adding up to 50: Page 40

Adding up to 50: Page 40

Adding up to 50: Page 40
Words: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Words: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Words: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Test your child’s knowledge of -s and -ed word endings with this fun worksheet! They'll look at images and read the words, then choose the correct suffix to finish each one. Vivid illustrations make this an enjoyable learning experience!
Words: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Noun Search Worksheet
Noun Search Worksheet

Noun Search Worksheet

To help your children learn the basics of grammar, start with nouns, verbs, adverbs and adjectives. This noun search worksheet will help your child understand the most common part of speech - the noun. Ask them to underline the nouns in each sentence. This is a great way to start learning proper grammar.
Noun Search Worksheet
Word Match Reading Worksheet
Word Match Reading Worksheet

Word Match Reading Worksheet

This printout helps children learn to read fluently by connecting words with the same sound. Colorful pictures aid understanding and context for kindergarten-level students. Tracing lines, they learn to identify the sounds made by letters of the alphabet and deepen their knowledge of phonics.
Word Match Reading Worksheet
Reading: Words With Suffixes Worksheet
Reading: Words With Suffixes Worksheet

Reading: Words With Suffixes Worksheet

Help your students understand suffixes and build reading fluency with this worksheet. Have them read each word, then choose the ones with a suffix. Practicing this will lead to better comprehension and more confident reading. Save it for future use in language and reading classes.
Reading: Words With Suffixes Worksheet
Sight Words Worksheet: Cat
Sight Words Worksheet: Cat

Cat Printable Sight Words Worksheet

Encourage your child's literacy with this fun sight words worksheet: cat PDF! It helps build a solid foundation for reading, featuring activities such as reading and tracing the word cat, and finding it amongst other sight words. With its cute cat, Kids Academy makes learning to read a delight!
Cat Printable Sight Words Worksheet
Learn to Spell Worksheet
Learn to Spell Worksheet

Learn to Spell Worksheet

Help sharpen spelling skills with a simple worksheet. Read sentences aloud and show which word is missing. Ask students to pick the correct word from the options. Ensure they check the missing word for accuracy.
Learn to Spell Worksheet
Fix the Sentences Worksheet
Fix the Sentences Worksheet

Fix the Sentences Worksheet

Once your students know the alphabet, teach them words. Then move on to constructing sentences. If they have a handle on sentence structure, give them this worksheet. Ask them to read the sentences and check the correct one.
Fix the Sentences Worksheet
Adding up to 100 with Regrouping: Page 4
Adding up to 100 with Regrouping: Page 4
Adding up to 100 with Regrouping: Page 4
Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet
Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet

Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet

Have your child list words with the long /i/ sound (eg. 'pie'), and if needed, help them out with some examples. Read each word in the worksheet together and check their answer by having them circle the correct word.
Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet

Spelling practice for ages 4-9 is crucial for several reasons. First, it lays a solid foundation for literacy, the bedrock of academic success. Learning to spell at an early age enhances reading skills, as children understand the relationship between letters and sounds. This, in turn, improves comprehension and fluency, enabling children to read more complex texts with ease as they grow.

Second, good spelling skills boost writing abilities. As children become proficient spellers, they can express their thoughts more clearly and accurately in writing, fostering effective communication. This skill is not just important academically but also vital for everyday interactions and future employment opportunities.

Modern text-dependent tools shouldn't overshadow spelling practice. Technology may autocorrect errors, but knowing how words are structured strengthens cognitive development and memory. Hands-on spelling exercises enhance children's fine motor skills, necessary for writing and other tasks.

Finally, regular spelling practice builds confidence. Mastery of spelling lists gives children a sense of accomplishment, encouraging them to tackle more challenging words. This self-assurance is crucial as they encounter new subjects and tasks throughout their education.

Overall, spelling practice is a multi-faceted tool. Investing time in this area sets a strong educational groundwork, supporting children's reading, writing, and overall cognitive development.