Explain to your child that most singular nouns become plural by adding "-s". E.g. "cat"->"cats". For words ending in "-ch", "-sh", "-s", "-x", or "-zz", add "-es". E.g. "buzz"->"buzzes". Then, get them to circle the right plural form of each noun on the worksheet.
Have your child use this printable sheet to learn how to make singular nouns plural. Ask them to draw a line from pictures to the correct plural forms, such as 'kangaroos' and 'tomatoes'. This worksheet provides an easy and fun way for your child to learn this important grammar concept.
Practise plurals with this meaningful word structure worksheet. Plurals can be tricky for kids, but with this worksheet they'll learn to transform singular words with certain ends into plural forms.
Help Little Red Riding Hood find rhyming words with "red". Download and print this worksheet. Have your child circle the rhyming words and pictures. Get them to say each word out loud and compare it to the word "red". When they're done, review the answers and talk about any words that don't rhyme.
It's John's birthday and he needs your help. Ask your kids to draw a line from each present to the matching 3D shape. First, check they understand the difference between 2D and 3D shapes. Then, they can help John figure out which 3D shape matches each present.
Help your child conquer homophones with this fun worksheet! Kids will choose the correct spelling of ate/eight with the help of related images. This colorful PDF worksheet is a great way for them to learn and enjoy at the same time.
This fun worksheet will help kids understand electricity. Kids identify objects powered by batteries or outlets. Perfect for 3rd Grade, this worksheet will fascinate them as they learn about this form of energy.
New readers can use the attractive pictures and high-frequency words on this worksheet to practice expressive language skills and decode as they fill in the blanks. As they circle the correct words, they'll feel like reading superstars!
This spooky maze is perfect for Halloween! Kids will be both haunted and delighted while they figure out which words are descriptive or not. Get them excited for learning grammar with this fun and frightful worksheet!
Vowel teams like "ea" and "ai" help us make words, and understanding these patterns aids emerging readers in becoming more fluent. This review worksheet has students finding words with vowel teams that make the long vowel sound, and helps them recognize high-frequency words.
Master the distinct digraphs 'ar' and 'or' with this fun phonics worksheet from Kids Academy! With meaningful illustrations, it'll guide your child to choose the right one. Get ready for the great results!
Opposites attract! Boost your preschooler's vocabulary by reviewing antonyms with this fun worksheet. View the images, read the words, and find the opposites. Guide your learner with the illustrations, then discuss each one before they trace the dotted lines to match. Have fun and reinforce learning!
Practice the 'th' digraph with this worksheet! Ask kids to say the words shown and sound out the letters below each image. Check the box with the correct digraph to complete. Examples include 'earth', 'bath' and 'moth', all ending with the same two letters. Phonics teaches that digraphs are two letters that make one sound.
Students use suffixes to find the right way through a maze in this enjoyable activity! Understanding suffixes helps kids decode and comprehend more words, leading to better reading fluency. A great addition to your reading classes, keep this printable close!
Oh no, the kitty needs her milk! Help your learner navigate the maze by drawing a line through the plural words. Review the grammar rules on -s and -es endings, then get to work to guide the kitten to her bowl! Download this PDF worksheet to start.
In 1969, Neil Armstrong made history by becoming the first person to step foot on the moon! With this fun worksheet, you can teach kids fascinating facts about the Apollo 11 mission. After reading, they can show off what they've learned with a quiz!
Try this worksheet to help your child practice finding odd words out and build their knowledge of rhyming words. They'll use problem solving and create their own words with enough room to write them down!
Children can practice and strengthen their visual-discernment, hand-eye coordination and neural connections by manipulating shapes in their minds and matching them with the right answer. This PDF with bright colors gives your kids the opportunity to do so.
Kids will have a blast steering cars with the -ee digraph towards Street Three! This fast-paced worksheet reinforces that -ee makes the long -e sound while boosting fine motor skills. Kids will love the bright colors and stay engaged with this fun printable. Get ready for hours of off-road excitement!
Kids can learn fascinating information about a beloved and smelly animal with this fun worksheet. They'll read articles, texts, and look at an accompanying picture while reading. Captions and sidebars can give extra details. Finally, answer the given questions by selecting the correct response. Reading is a fun and informative way to gain knowledge!
Help your child brush up on reading and writing with this fun worksheet. Read the story of the golden eagle's day, then have the child circle the numbers in the right order. Point out the sequence words that tell the order of events. This helps learners understand how to make their writing clear and understandable to others.
This worksheet helps your child identify objects and learn long vowel sounds. Ask them to say the names of the four objects in each row. Then, help them check the boxes to confirm they know the long vowel sounds. This will help them develop their reading skills.
Hunt for words while reading this birthday story! This printable worksheet will help your child practice early reading skills as they search for words in the text. Enjoy the story and find the words!
Remind your child of what George Washington Carver created. Can they tell you? This worksheet has arrays with his creations. Match the array to the multiplication fact and help your child to circle the product.