Help your child conquer homophones with this fun worksheet! Kids will choose the correct spelling of ate/eight with the help of related images. This colorful PDF worksheet is a great way for them to learn and enjoy at the same time.
This fun worksheet will help kids understand electricity. Kids identify objects powered by batteries or outlets. Perfect for 3rd Grade, this worksheet will fascinate them as they learn about this form of energy.
In 1969, Neil Armstrong made history by becoming the first person to step foot on the moon! With this fun worksheet, you can teach kids fascinating facts about the Apollo 11 mission. After reading, they can show off what they've learned with a quiz!
Help your child brush up on reading and writing with this fun worksheet. Read the story of the golden eagle's day, then have the child circle the numbers in the right order. Point out the sequence words that tell the order of events. This helps learners understand how to make their writing clear and understandable to others.
Hunt for words while reading this birthday story! This printable worksheet will help your child practice early reading skills as they search for words in the text. Enjoy the story and find the words!
Remind your child of what George Washington Carver created. Can they tell you? This worksheet has arrays with his creations. Match the array to the multiplication fact and help your child to circle the product.
Have your child practice reading comprehension and inferencing with this Robin Hood folktale worksheet! Get them to read between the lines to find character motivation and answer important questions about the passage. It's a fun way to test their reading skills!
This PDF worksheet helps 3rd graders improve their skills for reading both fiction and nonfiction. It also introduces them to finding the main idea of a text and locating supporting details. Download it now to help your child break down text for better comprehension.
Teach kids about severe weather with this free worksheet. It helps them learn how to protect their home from excessive rain, as well as what not to do. Check the given actions to make the damage from weather events less devastating.
Kids must learn how to deal with situations and handle their own emotions. This worksheet helps them practice empathy and resilience, making them more self-aware and confident. It also helps them to relate their life experiences to common disappointments and develop coping mechanisms.
Kids can have fun and learn about constellations with this printable word search. Solve the puzzle to find out fun facts, then use the knowledge to spot them in the night sky!
Kids will separate truth from fiction in this engaging worksheet about the grizzly bear! Third graders will use their prior knowledge to read the facts and determine which are true and false. Give your child an interesting way to learn more with this vibrant worksheet!
Words are amazing! Add an ending and they can change part of speech. Make nouns out of adjectives with -ness. This worksheet has a fun maze to help learners increase vocabulary and language skills.
Read the words list with your kids, pointing at each one. Ask them to do the same. Help them find the arrows with those words and trace the line to the target in the centre.
Nouns are words for people, places, things, and ideas. This worksheet helps kids focus on three categories: people, places, and things (including animals). All the words are nouns; the task is to match them to the correct category. Circle the answer for each!
Can't preforget something! This worksheet helps kids learn how to attach prefixes and suffixes to root words, forming new words that make sense. With this activity, they'll evaluate how the root words change when adding the prefix or suffix.
Have your students ever been to the Statue of Liberty? Ask them to tell you where it is and what it looks like. Every day, the statue draws a crowd admiring its beauty, taking pics and learning more about it. Pose a word problem and help them check the answer. Circle the correct total. (80 words)
This worksheet is ideal for 3rd graders to review tricky parts of speech! It is vibrantly illustrated and contains sentences to read through. Each sentence has a category to select the correct word or words that match the part of speech indicated. Try it today!
Encourage your child's love of writing by displaying their poems on the fridge or walls. This worksheet focuses on a swing, something your child enjoys, and contains questions to help your child think more deeply about the poem. Read it together, then answer the questions and watch as your child's creativity and writing skills blossom!
Before beginning this worksheet, make sure your child knows what open syllables are. If not, take time to teach them with examples. Then, help the writer finish her book by circling words with open syllables. She needs your child's help!
Help your kids spell tricky sight words by asking them to spot differences in the sentences of activities they do regularly. This worksheet contains incomplete sentences, with the correct spelling of the word in the options for them to fill in. Get them to look out for words with the wrong spellings.
Ask your kids what a synonym is, and listen to their definitions. If needed, explain it's a word that has a similar meaning to another. Give examples, then ask them to do the same. For this worksheet, get them to help grade the papers. Have them check the boxes if the words are synonyms.
Ask your kid what kind of moods they usually experience; e.g. sad, happy, hurt or worried. Read aloud the sentences in the worksheet and help them match the situation to the picture. Max 80 words.
This worksheet contains questions to be checked with boxes for the correct answers. It also has pictures of animals; ask kids to identify them, noting the objects with them. Read the questions and have kids provide the answers. Help them check the boxes for the right answer.