Before doing this worksheet, explain to your kids what a hotel is. It's a building where guests can stay for a few days and pay for their stay. In this exercise, the hotel clerk needs help finding the correct keys. Have your kids circle words ending with -el to find the right ones.
Understanding math word problems is key. Multiple steps can prove challenging - this free worksheet provides one-to-one picture representation to help kids solve multi-step addition word problems. Strengthen addition skills by choosing the matching picture to the answer.
Read the story of The Dog and His Bone to your kids, making sure they take in the details. Ask them the questions in this worksheet and help them check the answers. Encourage them to think carefully.
Teach color words to young students to build fluency and confidence. Check knowledge with an assessment worksheet. Have students look at paint samples and circle the correct color word. This assessment helps parents and teachers measure a child’s accuracy when reading color words.
Kids learn best with stories, and this fun worksheet shows characters from popular tales. Like the tortoise who forgot hard work pays off, the cat defending its honor with wit, and the dog teaching a lesson about sharing. It's a great way to assess their understanding, and they'll be successful.
Your child can test their chess knowledge with this worksheet. If they've been taking lessons or playing regularly, they'll enjoy connecting the dots to put the white king in checkmate, then checking the correct notation. Challenge their chess skills!
To teach students how to record captures in chess, use this worksheet. Write down the piece's short name, start sq., and the sq. where it captures, separating them with an X. For example, Rd2Xd4 means a rook moved d2 to d4 and took a piece. Pawn captures don't need a name.