Understanding paleontology Normal Science Worksheets for Ages 3-8

Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Science for age 3-8!

Multiplication and Division Fact Families Multiplication Facts Part 1

With answer key
  • 3-8
  • Understanding paleontology
  • Science
  • Normal
Ancient Animals Worksheet
Ancient Animals Worksheet

Ancient Animals Worksheet

Kids can explore prehistoric days with a fun, downloadable worksheet. They'll look at pictures of ancient animals like mammoths, ground sloths and saber-toothed tigers and then choose the animal of today that most closely resembles their ancestor. Through this sheet, they can make connections between today's animals and the past.
Ancient Animals Worksheet
Fossil Fact Families Worksheet
Fossil Fact Families Worksheet

Fossil Fact Families Worksheet

Kids love dinosaurs, so why not learn about fact families with some fun prehistoric friends? This PDF worksheet uses picture arrays to help kids understand the relationships between multipliers and dividends. It helps them build automaticity with multiplication facts so they can quickly solve division problems and see the relationships between the two fact families.
Fossil Fact Families Worksheet