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Exploring Grammar. Parts of speech. Noun.

Dec. 8, 2021

Learning grammar might be considered a dull activity by some. There are a number of ways to teach grammar: you may teach the rules outright and have a question-and-answer portion with your kids. They may retain the information for a short period of time, they might be distracted due to a short attention span, or they may not be interested at all.

Kids Academy has created a wide range of worksheets to make learning grammar more appealing, delightful, and remarkable. In this way, the kids feel that they are not forced to learn something, rather they will learn at the right pace and with the right method and materials as they are beings that are into colors, puzzles, mazes, and other fun activities.

As Kids Academy is dedicated to help children be engaged in learning, we have created articles to help parents facilitate the learning of their kids. The first grammar learning bundle contains five articles, namely:

  • Nouns;
  • Singular and Plural Nouns;
  • Irregular Plural Nouns;
  • Collective Nouns and Reflexive Pronouns; and
  • Identifying Nouns in the Story.

The first article, Nouns, lets you familiarize your kids with what nouns are along with their examples. This also lets you highlight the importance of nouns in sentences. With this, your children will find the relevance of nouns to their everyday lives. Furthermore, this article is complemented by grammar worksheets that assure the kids’ application of what they have learned. Take a look at these amusing activities that will make nouns memorable for your kids:

The second article, Singular and Plural Nouns, allows you to teach the difference between singular and plural nouns. It is also supplied by examples to strengthen the distinction between the two. The importance of learning this lesson is also tackled so you can discuss with your kids the meaningfulness of being able to identify singular and plural nouns in practical life. To give you a glimpse of the fascinating worksheets you may use, check them below:


The third article, Irregular Plural Nouns, helps you explain to your kids the nature of irregular plural nouns. This elaborates how the rules of forming plural nouns do not apply to all nouns. By letting the kids examine different irregular plural nouns, they would be able to use them correctly, and confusion on forming plural nouns will not appear. This article is accompanied by interesting, yet tricky activities:

The fourth article, Collective Nouns and Reflexive Pronouns, enables you to teach how to use collective nouns and reflexive nouns appropriately. Sentences containing them are encapsulated in the article so you can best illustrate to your kids how they work in conversations. The following are the worksheets that can strengthen the learning of your kids on these types of nouns and pronouns:

The fifth article, Identifying Nouns in the Story, incorporates discussion of stories while enhancing the kids’ knowledge about nouns even more. As they are encountering nouns through stories, your kids will be able to associate nouns in a more complex context and level. In addition to reinforcing the purposes of nouns, you will be able to teach formative values to your children as you try to guide them in realizing the messages of the stories. Here are the worksheets that will optimally instill both the skills of identifying the nouns and message of a story:

Overall, this bundle is your companion towards successfully teaching your kids the significance of nouns and pronouns to actual interactions, whether in written or spoken forms while at the same time letting them be kids that they are — fostering a learning environment filled with merriment.

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