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Rethinking Homework for Remote Learning

March 10, 2021

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Even before the pandemic, reducing or even eliminating homework has been a subject up for debate in both teachers and parents. Now that many classrooms have pivoted to online learning, it has again become a controversial subject. Understandably, homework poses unique challenges in the online learning environment, when there isn’t very much to separate home versus classwork. Read this article to discover how rethinking homework might be necessary and explore 5 strategies for creating successful assignments geared toward online learning environment.

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Winning Remote Learning Strategies for Teaching Kids with ADHD

March 2, 2021

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Most of us already know that students with attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder (ADHD) make up an increasing population in today’s classroom. Many of these special kiddos require hands-on approaches and accommodations that rely on being in a physical classroom. So, what can teachers do to support these kids when many classes are taking place online? Read this article! 

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7 Tips for Cultivating Critical Thinking for Kids Throughout the School Year

Jan. 24, 2021

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When it comes to critical thinking for kids, it’s important to remember that analytical thinkers aren’t suddenly created in kindergarten! Many parents and perhaps teachers may worry how today’s increasingly tougher curriculum standards can be taught when our children are hardly ready to think critically on their own. But as the popular saying goes, it’s about the journey, not just the destination! Read this article to learn more about what critical thinking looks like at the elementary level, and what parents and educators can do to help children develop the mindset needed for deep analytical thinking! 

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Tips to Support Students with Special Needs During Distance Learning

Oct. 12, 2020

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For parents and teachers of kids with special needs, distance learning presents an entirely new challenge: how to support the neediest of children when they are stuck at home learning through a screen! When cameras are off, and teachers and their aides are all on the same call together, it can seem impossible for these kids to get the accommodations they so desperately need. Fortunately, there are a few tips and tools we can offer for both families and educators. Keep reading to find strategies for supporting students with special needs during virtual classes.

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Making the Case for Flexibility and Grace: The Importance of Flexibility This Fall

Aug. 31, 2020

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The 2020-2021 school year has just begun, and already it is proving to be one of the toughest that teachers and families have ever encountered. With children finding themselves in a mix of online and in-person learning, more instruction and assignments are moving online with digital formats dominating teaching methods this fall. So, as everyone adjusts, what can teachers do to support their students as they adapt to changing guidelines and new learning tools? The answer is none other than flexibility and grace. Keep reading to discover the importance of flexibility in the classroom, and to find a list of do’s and don’ts when it comes to teaching practices this school year.

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Classrooms as Online Monitoring Centers: Childcare and Schooling Ideas for Teachers

Aug. 25, 2020

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For working parents, including teachers, the pandemic presents a whole host of problems that didn’t exist just six or seven months ago. One of the largest hurdles for teachers headed back to the classroom this fall is the prospect that their own children may be expected to learn at home virtually while they themselves have to report to campus. What can educators, or any other essential workers do? While the answers are less than perfect, there are some potential solutions. Keep reading to learn more about utilizing classrooms as online monitoring stations and find alternative ideas for childcare during the coronavirus.

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Teaching and Schooling Pods: Alternative Teaching in Troubled Times

Aug. 11, 2020

You may have seen something about it on the news or social media, but during this strange summer amidst ongoing coronavirus outbreaks, microschooling has become all the rage! If you’re looking to find more information about teaching pods, what they are, and benefits versus disadvantages, you’ve come to the right place! Keep reading to learn about how pods can help both teachers and families! 

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10 Things Teachers Need Before Reopening Schools

Aug. 3, 2020

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Back-to-school season is officially underway with supplies lining the store shelves, but as most parents are vividly aware, the upcoming school year will look nothing like usual! Without knowing what kids might need for this uncertain year, you might find yourself asking, “what are the most needed school supplies for teachers”? The answer isn’t what you think! Instead of pens and pencils, another list is taking shape. Read this article to find 10 things that teachers need from schools, the community, and parents before reopening the classroom door this fall!

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Homeschooling Versus Virtual School: What’s the Difference?

July 28, 2020

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We’ve already talked a little bit about the touch choices parents will have to make as students prepare to head back to the classroom, whether in person, or online. But one option that many parents are considering in the age of the coronavirus is to homeschool their children. At this point, you might be asking yourself, “is virtual school homeschool?” It’s a great question, too, because many parents may be confused over what makes it different if kids are learning at home under both modes of instruction. This article is meant to lay out the differences. Keep reading to learn more about these options, and points to ponder when making a decision between the two!

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Prevent summer slide with the updated Kids Academy for Schools

May 14, 2020

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We’re happy to announce that the new version of Kids Academy for Schools is live! This update brings more tools for educators making it easier to differentiate instruction, follow student assignments, and help prevent the dreaded summer slide.

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