Extra Challenge Grade 1 Abbreviated Chess Notation Worksheets


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Abbreviated Chess Notation

With answer key
  • Grade 1
  • Abbreviated Chess Notation
  • Extra Challenge
Short Notation Quest Worksheet
Short Notation Quest Worksheet

Short Notation Quest Worksheet

Teach your kids chess notation with this worksheet. They can look at the picture, figure out the move or capture for each piece, and practice writing it down in short notation. It’s not just about playing skillfully; chess players must also know how to record their moves. Improve your kids' knowledge and enhance their chess skills!
Short Notation Quest Worksheet
Short Notation of Captures Worksheet
Short Notation of Captures Worksheet

Short Notation of Captures Worksheet

Help your students learn chess notation for captures. Short notation: name piece, cross, name square (e.g. Rxd4 = rook moves to d4 and captures). If pawn, also write the file it starts from (e.g. fxg7 = pawn from file 7 moves to g7 and captures). Use the worksheet to check correct notations on the board.
Short Notation of Captures Worksheet
Short Notation of Moves Worksheet
Short Notation of Moves Worksheet

Short Notation of Moves Worksheet

To master chess, you need more than just knowing the pieces and their moves - you need to be able to make notations of your moves. To make a short notation, write the piece name and square it moved to; for example, Bd2 for bishop on d2. Pawns don't need the piece name, just the square; e.g. g5. Show your kids how to draw lines to the board for the moves given.
Short Notation of Moves Worksheet