Embark on a thrilling learning adventure with our Online Social Studies Worksheets for Grade 2! Designed to captivate young minds, these interactive worksheets offer a diverse range of topics, from geography to history, and civic understanding. Our Grade 2 curriculum is meticulously crafted to align with educational standards, ensuring a solid foundation and a love for social studies. Packed with engaging activities and colorful illustrations, these worksheets are perfect for reinforcing classroom learning or homeschooling. With instant access and easy-to-follow instructions, your child will be eager to explore the world around them. Unlock the door to knowledge today!
Check out this FREE Grade 2 Trial Lesson on Social Studies!
Before beginning, get your kids in the right mind-set by having them name ways to care for their community. Read the passage with them, pointing at pictures, then ask them to match the ‘cause’ with the ‘effect’ on the worksheet. This will help them learn more about how to care for their community.
This worksheet combines history and math, helping kids make sense of problem-solving. Christopher Columbus sailing the ocean blue is combined with picture representations of division word problems in bold colors and highlighted numbers. Kids can learn while having fun figuring out the problems, regardless of whether it's math or history.
Mixing subjects to help your child learn is always nice. This worksheet combines landforms, problem-solving and division. The PDF highlights numbers, uses bold colors and provides pictures to help your child understand the questions and answer choices, making them feel empowered, not intimidated.
A citizen is a person who resides in a certain area and is granted legal rights and privileges. Becoming a citizen can be achieved in various ways, most commonly through birth or marriage. Good citizens honor their nation's laws and act responsibly. Ask your students to share examples of good citizenship. Have them read the word problem and choose the equation that yields the right answer, then underline it.
This exciting multiplication worksheet from Kids Academy uses American history facts as its theme. Kids learn about Native Americans helping early Americans at Jamestown, then read the word problems, match the equations and solve for the product. Finally, circle the correct answer!
Presidents have many duties. Utilize this worksheet to review the important ones while solving multiplication word problems. Read each passage, determine the equation, then find the product and select the correct answer.
Help your child learn the difference between services and goods with this Kids Academy worksheet. Guide your child to read each sentence and select the correct worker who does the job for the service. With this worksheet, your child can learn about common services in the community.
Introduce your child to economics with this social studies worksheet! It helps kids differentiate between goods and services. Have them look at each picture, discuss what it does, and decide whether it's an object or a service. Encourage them to think carefully and circle the goods. It's a great way to start teaching the basics of economics.
Explain to your kids that learning about simple machines can be fun - like the swings they love on the playground. Ask them to name some of their favorites. Point out that screws are used to connect simple machines. Then, look at pictures together and have your kids circle the objects that use a screw.
At the playground, your kids likely love to play and swing. Swings are simple machines – they work by using force to move something. Read the following sentences to them, with some words missing - help them fill in the blanks. Simple machines make work easier by __changing__ the size or __direction__ of a force. Swings use a _fulcrum_ and a _lever_ to move.
When the Pilgrims arrived in America in 1620, they met the Native Americans and formed a pact to live in harmony. The Native Americans taught the Pilgrims how to survive in the new land, which helped them celebrate the First Thanksgiving. Read this text to your children and help them answer the questions below.
Introduce your kids to one of history's most important figures - Benjamin Franklin! Tell them all about his remarkable contributions to the world and then use this worksheet to teach them even more. Read the text to them and check their answers against the questions afterwards.
History is filled with great figures, like Benjamin Franklin. Let your kids in on the legacy by introducing them to the founder of the US fire department, diplomat, and inventor. Then, use a worksheet to have them fill in the blanks with the correct word to teach them more. Read the text, then read the sentences and have them circle the missing word.
Students can explore global cultures through this fun PDF worksheet. It introduces Korean children and a Korean festival. Students can choose the children's clothing using traceable lines. It's essential for our globally connected students to learn about different traditions, clothing, foods and cultures of other countries.
Young students often don't get to practice cardinal and intercardinal directions in the digital age, but it's an important social studies and geography concept to learn. This PDF provides colorful compasses for them to practice with, giving them a real-world skill for common curriculum and independent living.
Learning the difference between maps and globes can be difficult for young children. Get this free worksheet to help them! It offers word and picture clues for them to practice matching. They'll also get to use their fine motor skills as they trace the lines to find the answers.
Young learners gain understanding when using picture clues when reading. Looking at illustrations can help students learn the meaning of key vocabulary when reading fiction or informational text. Ask your students to look at the worksheet and observe what they can learn from the picture. It's a great comprehension strategy for early readers.
This free worksheet combines social studies with math! Kids will practice counting by 5s, rounding numbers and honing their computation skills while also familiarizing themselves with community helpers. Develop your child's number sense and strengthen their math skills - all through a fun and interactive activity.
Our kids need to 'make a ten' and skip count by tens to boost their speed and accuracy in math. This cool, free worksheet takes them on a journey through their local community to practice counting by tens. They'll work on social studies and fine motor skills while having fun with the maze they get to count by tens in!
Kids who love geography will enjoy this worksheet. On the printout there's a map. Show your child the landmarks and read them aloud. Have them take note of the locations. Then, ask them to answer the questions at the bottom using the map; check the answers.
Test your child's knowledge of flags and symbols with this worksheet. Learning which symbol belongs to which country can be tricky. Make it simpler for your kids by having them start with a few at a time. Download the pdf and ask them to name the countries on the left; then help them check the box to match the country and its symbol.
Ask your students to define 'society'. Then, have them name some of the people and buildings that make up a society. To clarify, explain that societies are made of large groups of people who share laws, rights and resources. Finally, have them check the box next to the pictures that depict members of society.
Students learn about families in social studies. This worksheet helps them identify family members by looking at a picture and circling the corresponding word. To extend their learning, ask them to talk about their own family members.
Kids enjoy discussing families. This easy, colorful worksheet helps them determine if a person or thing is in a family. Children look at each picture, name it, and circle it if it represents someone in a family. It introduces or reinforces family words, making it ideal for toddlers.