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    Alphabet Worksheets For Grade 2

    Our Alphabet Worksheets are the perfect companion to help Grade 2 students master their alphabet and learn their letter sounds. Each interactive worksheet includes a fun activity or game to help kids connect letters and phonemes, which is an important part of helping kids develop the fundamental reading and writing skills they need. The hands-on, engaging worksheets are designed to build a strong foundation and make it easier for your child to learn about the alphabet and language in general. Each easy-to-understand page provides an entertaining introduction to the alphabet and can help foster a lifelong appreciation for reading, writing and language-based activities. Try our Alphabet Worksheets to give your child all the learning they need.

    Check out this FREE Grade 2 Trial Lesson on Alphabet!

    Irregularly Spelled Words

    With answer key
    • Grade 2
    • Alphabet
    Letter a worksheets
    Letter a worksheets

    Letter A Tracing Page

    Trace and write the letter "A"! Start with the big red dot, then do the capital and lowercase versions. Then write it again with two words - apple and alligator. Download more tracing worksheets at Kids Academy.
    Letter A Tracing Page
    Letter Z worksheets
    Letter Z worksheets

    Letter Z Tracing Page

    Trace and write capital "Z" and lowercase "z". Complete words "zebra" and "zipper". Be attentive and have fun! (80 words)
    Letter Z Tracing Page
    Long Vowel Review Worksheet
    Long Vowel Review Worksheet

    Long Vowel Review Worksheet

    Vowel teams like "ea" and "ai" help us make words, and understanding these patterns aids emerging readers in becoming more fluent. This review worksheet has students finding words with vowel teams that make the long vowel sound, and helps them recognize high-frequency words.
    Long Vowel Review Worksheet
    Ar and or words phonics worksheet
    Ar and or words phonics worksheet

    Ar and Or Words Phonics Worksheet

    Master the distinct digraphs 'ar' and 'or' with this fun phonics worksheet from Kids Academy! With meaningful illustrations, it'll guide your child to choose the right one. Get ready for the great results!
    Ar and Or Words Phonics Worksheet
    Letter E Coloring Page
    Letter E Coloring Page

    Letter E Coloring Sheet

    Coloring pages are great for teaching kids the alphabet and words! This "E" page features a cute elephant and Easter egg. Kids will love it and learn the letter "E" at the same time. 80 words
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    Assign to My Students
    Letter E Coloring Sheet
    Letters J and K Tracing Worksheet Preview
    Letters J and K Tracing Worksheet Preview

    Letters J and K Tracing Worksheet

    Tracing the letters «J» and «K» is the first step. Help the jellyfish find a path to the treasure chest with pictures of the «J» sound, and assist the kangaroo in finding a path to the trees with pics of «K». Fun, educational and enjoyable for children!
    Letters J and K Tracing Worksheet
    Letter U Tracing Worksheet Preview
    Letter U Tracing Worksheet Preview

    Letter U Tracing Worksheet

    Your students can have fun and learn about the alphabet with this letter «U» worksheet. Pre-schoolers will trace the letter «U», circle words with the letter sound, and learn phonics while boosting their confidence. Doing these tasks will help them understand the letter more.
    Letter U Tracing Worksheet
    Letters B and F Tracing Worksheet Preview
    Letters B and F Tracing Worksheet Preview

    Letters B and F Tracing Worksheet

    Does your kid know the letters B and F? This tracing sheet helps them practice by tracing each letter, then drawing a line from a bee and a flower to related words. Recognizing words with pictures develops a great skill, and students will master it in no time!
    Letters B and F Tracing Worksheet
    Letter O worksheets
    Letter O worksheets

    Letter O Tracing Page

    Practice writing the letter "O" with our new worksheet. Trace and write the letter several times, starting at the red dot. First do the uppercase letter, then the lowercase. Use the pictures to complete the words "Ostrich" and "octopus". Kids Academy offers more fun alphabet worksheets.
    Letter O Tracing Page
    Vowel team ee Worksheet
    Vowel team ee Worksheet

    Vowel team ee Worksheet

    Revised: Kids will have a blast steering cars with the -ee digraph towards Street Three! This fast-paced worksheet reinforces that -ee makes the long -e sound while boosting fine motor skills. Kids will love the bright colors and stay engaged with this fun printable. Get ready for hours of off-road excitement!
    Vowel team ee Worksheet
    Rhymes in Poems Worksheet
    Rhymes in Poems Worksheet

    Rhymes in Poems Worksheet

    Poems are lovely works of literature; some with rhymes, and some without. This poem for kids is full of rhymes and tells the tale of a sheep. Read it aloud to your kids, then help them circle the rhyming words.
    Rhymes in Poems Worksheet
    Letter N and C Tracing Worksheet Preview
    Letter N and C Tracing Worksheet Preview

    Letter N and C Tracing Worksheet

    Kids can trace the letters N and C, then draw a line to the words starting with each letter. This worksheet helps them practice letter writing, distinguish capital and lowercase letters, and match pictures with the right letter. It also teaches essential skills for learning letters efficiently.
    Letter N and C Tracing Worksheet
    Long A Vowel Team Coloring Fun Worksheet
    Long A Vowel Team Coloring Fun Worksheet

    Long A Vowel Team Coloring Fun Worksheet

    Divide your class into teams, give each a printout, then have them read aloud words with a long "A" sound (e.g. brain, paid). As they listen, let them reinforce this lesson by coloring in the words and pictures. Make phonics fun and interactive with this great coloring page!
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    Assign to My Students
    Long A Vowel Team Coloring Fun Worksheet
    Baa Baa Black Sheep printable worksheet
    Baa Baa Black Sheep printable worksheet

    Baa Baa Black Sheep Printable

    Jumpstart your child's reading skills with this printable Baa Baa Black Sheep worksheet! Recite the lines with them, then have them select the pictures associated with the poem to test comprehension. Fun and educational!
    Baa Baa Black Sheep Printable
    AW Words Team Coloring Fun Worksheet
    AW Words Team Coloring Fun Worksheet

    AW Words Team Coloring Fun Worksheet

    Coloring words they can read is a blast for little learners! This worksheet offers emerging readers the chance to practice and gain confidence in reading words from the -aw family, while also improving fine-motor and creativity skills. Without knowing it, they'll learn about phonetic teams along the way!
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    Assign to My Students
    AW Words Team Coloring Fun Worksheet
    Letter R worksheets
    Letter R worksheets

    Letter R Tracing Page

    Trace and write the letter "R" with this worksheet for kindergarten. Start with the uppercase, then move on to the lowercase. Write the letters several times for practice. Then help complete the words for the rabbit and robot, spelling carefully. More ABC worksheets can be found at Kids Academy.
    Letter R Tracing Page
    Vowel match Worksheet
    Vowel match Worksheet

    Vowel match Worksheet

    Early readers can find vowel teams (digraphs) tricky. This simple worksheet helps kids match words with the right digraphs and learn to read! They'll practice reading words from different families, and linking the letters to their sounds. It's a fun way to get kids sending letters to the right addresses!
    Vowel match Worksheet
    Letter X worksheets
    Letter X worksheets

    Letter X Tracing Page

    Trace the uppercase letter "X" to learn, then write it yourself and practice. Then do the same with the lowercase "x" before completing the words "X-ray" and "postbox". Enjoy our alphabet printables!
    Letter X Tracing Page
    Reading: Long O and Short O Sounds Worksheet
    Reading: Long O and Short O Sounds Worksheet

    Reading: Long O and Short O Sounds Worksheet

    Students practice distinguishing between short and long O sounds with this reading worksheet. They sound out each word, then circle the pictures with the long O sound. Perfect for individual practice or to work with peers! Improves understanding of this skill and helps avoid confusion.
    Reading: Long O and Short O Sounds Worksheet
    Letter P worksheets
    Letter P worksheets

    Letter P Tracing Page

    Trace the lines from the red dot to learn to write "P"! Then practice this letter with the fun activities: complete the word "Pig" and "Pumpkin". Check out Kids Academy to get more free ABC worksheets.
    Letter P Tracing Page
    Letter I worksheets
    Letter I worksheets

    Letter I Tracing Page

    Trace and write "I" uppercase and lowercase. An iguana's tail looks like the uppercase "I" and the lowercase "i" is as small as an inch. Make learning fun with Kids Academy worksheets.
    Letter I Tracing Page
    Letter U worksheets
    Letter U worksheets

    Letter U Tracing Page

    Ready to trace and write the letter "U"? Use our worksheet and practice tracing both uppercase and lowercase letters. Complete the words "umbrella" and "sunny" with a capital "U". Check our full collection of alphabet printables for more activities.
    Letter U Tracing Page
    Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet
    Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet

    Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet

    Have your child list words with the long /i/ sound (eg. 'pie'), and if needed, help them out with some examples. Read each word in the worksheet together and check their answer by having them circle the correct word.
    Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet
    Letter Q worksheets
    Letter Q worksheets

    Letter Q Tracing Page

    Learn the letter "Q"! Trace and write it a few times in upper and lowercase. Then help the Queen by writing her initial letter. Finally, write "quarters" and practice with more alphabet worksheets.
    Letter Q Tracing Page

    The Benefits of Using Alphabet Worksheets in Grade 2 Education

    Alphabet Worksheets are a great way to teach Grade 2 students the fundamentals of language and communication. Through completing Alphabet Worksheets, students learn how to recognize the letters of the alphabet, how to distinguish between upper and lowercase forms of letters, how to spell common words, and how to recognize common sounds of the English language. In addition, Alphabet Worksheets introduce Early Childhood Education students to the basics of writing, as they can begin to form simple sentences and practice handwriting.

    The value of Alphabet Worksheets lies in the fact that they provide a structured way for students to learn and practice the alphabet. With comprehensive instruction and fun visuals, Alphabet Worksheets appeal to those looking for progressive and dynamic approaches to teaching language and literacy for Grade 2 students. More so, worksheets can involve healthy competition, as learners can race to try and be the first to put the letters of the alphabet in proper order.

    Alphabet Worksheets usually consist of educational activities that focus on each letter of the alphabet and draw on all the ways we use them: for spelling, for common sounds, for forming our words, and forming the most basic of sentences. For example, it is likely that Alphabet Worksheets made for Grade 2 students will include a range of writing activities, coloring activities, problem-solving activities, and word recognition. In these types of worksheets, students are expected to identify the sound of the letters, match words to pictures, finish simple phrases, and draw pictures that begin with the chosen letter.

    In Alphabet Worksheets, students are introduced to the basics of language, but these basics set the foundation for future lessons to come. Students can then move on to other areas, such as writing stories, identifying words in a variety of media, or understanding the rules and processes of grammar. With language so important for humans to communicate and express information, Alphabet Worksheets are essential for any child’s educational growth and understanding of both verbal and written language.

    Alphabet Worksheets provide a valuable and engaging way to teach students the most basic elements of language, whether it be identifying letters, learning common words, and building upon that knowledge. With exciting activities, traditional and interactive worksheets, and all the fundamental rules, Alphabet Worksheets are a great way to teach Grade 2 students how to communicate and express their thoughts through language.