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Free download PDF reading worksheets for second graders

A second grader’s vocabulary should be relatively wide, but if it isn’t, it’s nothing these reading comprehension worksheets for 2nd grade can’t solve. The exercises will help children get better at identifying story structure, point of view, homophones, context, and more in these free printable second grade reading worksheets. Children will also learn new words related to nature as they complete the science and nature exercises. Guide your kids through the exercises, and help them read new words aloud to practice their pronunciation.

Check out this FREE Grade 2 Trial Lesson on Reading!

Determine the Meaning of Words with Suffixes

With answer key
  • Grade 2
  • Reading
Red and Blue Coloring Fun Worksheet
Red and Blue Coloring Fun Worksheet

Red and Blue Coloring Fun Worksheet

Kids know colors like red and blue. But can they read these words? Give them practice with this fun fish bowl coloring sheet. They'll look at the fish, then color them the corresponding hue. Home or classroom, they'll be sure to get a kick out of learning colors in this creative way!
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Red and Blue Coloring Fun Worksheet
The Bingo Song: Coloring The Girl PDF Worksheet
The Bingo Song: Coloring The Girl PDF Worksheet

The Bingo Song: Coloring The Girl Worksheet

Revise colors with your kids using our free "Bingo" worksheet. Ask them to come up with a name for the girl, then have them answer her question about favorite colors and spell them out. They can even color her skirt with the colors they chose. Explore more fun worksheets at our website – they'll fascinate your kids and help them learn!
The Bingo Song: Coloring The Girl Worksheet
Birthday Words Worksheet
Birthday Words Worksheet

Birthday Words Worksheet

Kids adore birthday parties! Whether it's theirs or a friend's, the event is a huge draw for kids. This fun birthday-themed worksheet teaches kids to identify the letter combination -ir. Get them to scan and circle the colorful words that contain -ir. It's an exciting PDF page they won't want to miss!
Birthday Words Worksheet
Itsy Bitsy Spider Nursery Rhyme PDF Worksheet
Itsy Bitsy Spider Nursery Rhyme PDF Worksheet

Itsy Bitsy Spider Nursery Rhyme PDF Worksheet

Introduce your child to the classic nursery rhyme with this worksheet. They'll learn the song, develop their motor skills, and find and count the letters 'A'. Pick up your crayons and add some color to the missing spider!
Itsy Bitsy Spider Nursery Rhyme PDF Worksheet
Reading: Follow the Suffixes Worksheet
Reading: Follow the Suffixes Worksheet

Reading: Follow the Suffixes Worksheet

Students use suffixes to find the right way through a maze in this enjoyable activity! Understanding suffixes helps kids decode and comprehend more words, leading to better reading fluency. A great addition to your reading classes, keep this printable close!
Reading: Follow the Suffixes Worksheet
Services Worksheet
Services Worksheet

Services Worksheet

Help your child learn the difference between services and goods with this Kids Academy worksheet. Guide your child to read each sentence and select the correct worker who does the job for the service. With this worksheet, your child can learn about common services in the community.
Services Worksheet
Odd Word Out Printable Worksheet
Odd Word Out Printable Worksheet

Odd Word Out Rhyming Worksheet

Try this worksheet to help your child practice finding odd words out and build their knowledge of rhyming words. They'll use problem solving and create their own words with enough room to write them down!
Odd Word Out Rhyming Worksheet
The Ugly Duckling / El Patito Feo Worksheet
The Ugly Duckling / El Patito Feo Worksheet

The Ugly Duckling / El Patito Feo Worksheet

This cute worksheet uses the story of The Ugly Duckling to help students learn Spanish. Fun pictures help make picture-word associations, while they check off the correct words to create the swan. Students won't realize they're learning - they'll just think the ducks are cute!
The Ugly Duckling / El Patito Feo Worksheet
Yellow and Green Coloring Fun Worksheet
Yellow and Green Coloring Fun Worksheet

Yellow and Green Coloring Fun Worksheet

Sight words like "yellow" and "green" are easy to teach and fun for kids to learn. This free downloadable worksheet has kids read the color words and color the flower with yellow and green. A great activity for learning to read color words!
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Yellow and Green Coloring Fun Worksheet
The Crow and the Pitcher Worksheet
The Crow and the Pitcher Worksheet

The Crow and the Pitcher Worksheet

Introduce your child to reading comprehension with this fascinating worksheet from Kids Academy! Featuring Aesop's fable of a thirsty crow, your child will enjoy reading and determining the central theme of the passage. This worksheet is a great way to give your child a purpose for reading while helping to build their comprehension skills.
The Crow and the Pitcher Worksheet
Rhymes in Poems Worksheet
Rhymes in Poems Worksheet

Rhymes in Poems Worksheet

Poems are lovely works of literature; some with rhymes, and some without. This poem for kids is full of rhymes and tells the tale of a sheep. Read it aloud to your kids, then help them circle the rhyming words.
Rhymes in Poems Worksheet
Author’s Purpose: Erosion Worksheet
Author’s Purpose: Erosion Worksheet

Author’s Purpose: Erosion Worksheet

Expose your students to new texts and passages to help them gain reading practice, learn new words and acquire the author's knowledge. This worksheet has a short passage; have your students read it and choose the author's purpose from the given options.
Author’s Purpose: Erosion Worksheet
Descriptive Writing Worksheet: Part 1
Descriptive Writing Worksheet: Part 1

Descriptive Writing Worksheet: Part 1

Kids, let's learn about the Pilgrims! Read this short text about their voyage to America, then answer the questions at the bottom. Writing is an art: expressing emotions in artful words and sentences. Some writing informs, others describe. Here, discover the Pilgrims' journey!
Descriptive Writing Worksheet: Part 1
Baa Baa Black Sheep printable worksheet
Baa Baa Black Sheep printable worksheet

Baa Baa Black Sheep Printable

Jumpstart your child's reading skills with this printable Baa Baa Black Sheep worksheet! Recite the lines with them, then have them select the pictures associated with the poem to test comprehension. Fun and educational!
Baa Baa Black Sheep Printable
Sequence: Jack and The Beanstalk Worksheet
Sequence: Jack and The Beanstalk Worksheet

Sequence: Jack and The Beanstalk Worksheet

Ensure your kids are familiar with Jack and the Beanstalk before starting this worksheet. If not, read them the story. In the pdf, there are five pictures with sentences. Read the sentences, ask your kid if it matches the picture, then help them check if it does.
Sequence: Jack and The Beanstalk Worksheet
Reading: Words With Suffixes Worksheet
Reading: Words With Suffixes Worksheet

Reading: Words With Suffixes Worksheet

Help your students understand suffixes and build reading fluency with this worksheet. Have them read each word, then choose the ones with a suffix. Practicing this will lead to better comprehension and more confident reading. Save it for future use in language and reading classes.
Reading: Words With Suffixes Worksheet
Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet
Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet

Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet

Have your child list words with the long /i/ sound (eg. 'pie'), and if needed, help them out with some examples. Read each word in the worksheet together and check their answer by having them circle the correct word.
Reading: Long I and IE Worksheet
Tricky Words: Starfish Worksheet
Tricky Words: Starfish Worksheet

Tricky Words: Starfish Worksheet

Encourage your kids' learning with a fun worksheet! Help them circle the best meaning for the underlined words in the sentences. This activity is a great way to practice what they learn at school and have fun. Your little ones will enjoy learning new words and make the experience even more memorable.
Tricky Words: Starfish Worksheet
2nd grade sight words free worksheet- b words
2nd grade sight words free worksheet- b words

Sight Words Free Worksheet – B Words

This free 2nd grade sight words worksheet – b words – is a great way to help your child expand their sight word repertoire. They can read through each sentence, using the context and illustrations as clues to pick the right answer. Offer your child a quick practice session for even more learning!
Sight Words Free Worksheet – B Words
Spell the Word Worksheet
Spell the Word Worksheet

Spell the Word Worksheet

Spelling can be fun for your students with this colorful worksheet. Ask them to identify what the boy is doing in each picture, then check the correct spelling of the words. Let them practice and have fun while learning!
Spell the Word Worksheet
Folktales Printable PDF Worksheets: The 3 Little Pigs
Folktales Printable PDF Worksheets: The 3 Little Pigs

Folktales Printable PDF Worksheet: The 3 Little Pigs

Then, help your child to color the scene with pink piglets, blue sky and green grass. Make the brick house bright and vivid. Enjoy!
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Folktales Printable PDF Worksheet: The 3 Little Pigs
The Native Americans Worksheet
The Native Americans Worksheet

The Native Americans Worksheet

Ask your students who the Native Americans are and give them a history lesson if needed. Read the text about the Native Americans and circle the past tense verbs. The text describes events that occurred when the first Pilgrims arrived in America.
The Native Americans Worksheet
Reading: Long E and IE Worksheet
Reading: Long E and IE Worksheet

Reading: Long E and IE Worksheet

Ask your child to name some words with the long /e/ sound they hear every day. Then, read aloud all the words in the worksheet with them. Ask them to circle the words containing ie that make this sound.
Reading: Long E and IE Worksheet
Forces Worksheet
Forces Worksheet

Forces Worksheet

Teach your child about forces! Ask them to identify which of six pictures shows push, pull or gravity. Read the words beside each picture and have them circle the correct one. It's a great way to learn about forces; push, pull and gravity!
Forces Worksheet

Reading Comprehension Worksheets, including 2nd grade reading worksheets in PDF format, paired with animated videos, are excellent for teaching Grade 2 children reading concepts. The videos offer a visual and auditory representation of the concept, making it easier for kids to understand and remember. This familiarity and comfort with the concept aid in applying the acquired knowledge during reading activities.

The engaging animations and storylines in the videos, along with reading worksheets for 2nd graders, foster an interest in reading and comprehension, making learning more fun and exciting than reading from a textbook. These resources provide ample opportunity for practice, further solidifying the foundational reading skills necessary for academic success.

The videos, along with reading worksheets for 2nd grade, expose children to a diverse range of characters and storylines, teaching about different real-world scenarios. This provides a broad material base when learning to comprehend and practice reading. 

For kids finding reading comprehension difficult, the visuals and animations in the videos simplify complex concepts. They help understand how to apply each concept to real-life situations, making engagement with the material easier. Additionally, incorporating second grade reading worksheets can provide further practice and reinforcement of these concepts, ensuring a well-rounded approach to improving reading skills.

Children can also test their comprehension at the end of each video by answering a few questions familiarizing them with potential assessment questions. Incorporating printable 2nd grade reading worksheets into this process can further enhance their understanding and provide additional practice with the concepts introduced in the videos.

In conclusion, Reading Comprehension Worksheets and animated videos, especially when including reading worksheets for 2nd graders, are an effective way to teach important reading concepts. Using visuals, animation, and storylines, children gain a better understanding of the material while staying motivated and engaged. This approach, supplemented with free second grade reading worksheets, available for free download, provides a broad material base when learning to comprehend and practice reading, enriching their understanding and making the learning process more comprehensive and engaging. By combining these resources, educators can offer a varied and effective learning experience that caters to the diverse needs of their students.