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Learning and Learning Physical Science Worksheets for Grade 2

Introduce your young learners to the fascinating world of Physical Science with our exciting collection of Grade 2 worksheets! With our Physical Science Worksheets, your children will get hands-on experience with the fundamental concepts of matter, energy, force, and motion. Designed by our expert team of teachers, these worksheets provide a comprehensive curriculum to help your child gain a deeper understanding of the world around them. Our engaging exercises and interactive activities are tailored to make learning science fun and exciting for your child. So, if you want to give your child an edge in their physical science education, enroll them today for our Physical Science Worksheets!

Check out this FREE Grade 2 Trial Lesson on Physical Science!

Heating and Cooling

With answer key
  • Grade 2
  • Physical Science
Interesting reversible irreversible changes worksheet
Interesting reversible irreversible changes worksheet

Reversible Irreversible Changes Worksheet

Crack an egg and cook it – once it's done, there's no return to its original state.
Reversible Irreversible Changes Worksheet
Simple machines inclined plane worksheet
Simple machines inclined plane worksheet

Simple Machines Inclined Plane Worksheet

This fun worksheet will help them increase their science skills while they have fun.
Simple Machines Inclined Plane Worksheet
Matter: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Matter: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Matter: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Have your children learn that anything that has weight and takes up space is matter. Examples include buses, tables, people, animals, and more. Use this worksheet to help them identify the objects and circle the soft, red, and small one; the liquid; and the smooth, black, and round one.
Matter: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Engineering a Solution: Comparing Pros and Cons Worksheet
Engineering a Solution: Comparing Pros and Cons Worksheet

Engineering a Solution: Comparing Pros and Cons Worksheet

Help our little engineers assist the engineer in making a decision! They will solve the equations using greater than, less than, and equal to, and then decide the best solution for the problem using the pros and cons of each.
Engineering a Solution: Comparing Pros and Cons Worksheet
Forces Worksheet
Forces Worksheet

Forces Worksheet

Teach your child about forces! Ask them to identify which of six pictures shows push, pull or gravity. Read the words beside each picture and have them circle the correct one. It's a great way to learn about forces; push, pull and gravity!
Forces Worksheet
Position and motion worksheets for grade 2
Position and motion worksheets for grade 2

Position and Motion Worksheet

Take a trip to the park and explore motion and position with fun worksheets! Take your child's science knowledge to a whole new level with Kids Academy's grade 2 position and motion worksheets! Explore motion and position with fun worksheets while taking a trip to the park. Strengthen their understanding of physics and how people and objects move through space.
Position and Motion Worksheet
Simple machines worksheet PDF
Simple machines worksheet PDF

Simple Machines Worksheet

Let this colorfully illustrated PDF introduce your child to the physical science behind everyday tools and objects. Learn about simple machines like levers, pulleys, and screws – helping make our daily lives easier!
Simple Machines Worksheet
Magnetic or not worksheet
Magnetic or not worksheet

Magnetic Or Not Worksheet

Kids will love discovering the magical power of magnetism with this fun worksheet. Uncover the magic of magnetism with this fun worksheet! Kids will love identifying objects that are magnetic and those that are not. Objects made of metal and those that aren't can be identified, helping your child to gain valuable practice and explore the mysterious power of magnetism!
Magnetic Or Not Worksheet
Observing Properties Worksheet
Observing Properties Worksheet

Observing Properties Worksheet

Encourage your kid's interest in science with this fun worksheet! Let them identify the five objects on the left, then choose the most accurate word from the options on the right. There might be more than one answer, so remind them to take their time observing the objects.
Observing Properties Worksheet
The Water Cycle Worksheet
The Water Cycle Worksheet

The Water Cycle Worksheet

Do your students know about the water cycle? Show them the picture in this worksheet. Explain the stages: collection, evaporation, condensation and precipitation. Read the sentences and have them check the true or false questions. After this, they will understand the cycle water goes through.
The Water Cycle Worksheet
Physical properties of matter worksheet
Physical properties of matter worksheet

Physical Properties Of Matter Worksheet

This physical properties of matter worksheet helps them explore liquids, gases and solids in an engaging way. Try it today! (80 words)
Physical Properties Of Matter Worksheet
States of Matter: Freezing and Melting Worksheet
States of Matter: Freezing and Melting Worksheet

States of Matter: Freezing and Melting Worksheet

Have students look through the pics in the worksheet. Ask them what changes of state are shown, then trace the lines to the right answers. Matter can come in liquid or solid form, and changes between the two when heated or cooled (melting/freezing).
States of Matter: Freezing and Melting Worksheet
Matter: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Matter: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Matter: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Identify the five objects in this worksheet as either solid or liquid. Ask your kids to check the correct box. Melting changes solids to liquids while freezing transforms liquids to solids.
Matter: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Matter all Around Worksheet
Matter all Around Worksheet

Matter all Around Worksheet

Have you taught your students about matter? Use this worksheet to help them understand that matter is anything that has weight and takes up space, either as a solid, liquid, or gas. Guide them to trace the line to the correct form of matter as they look at the pictures. This will be easy if they already know the topic, but it's also a great opportunity to teach them.
Matter all Around Worksheet
Simple machines pulley worksheet
Simple machines pulley worksheet

Simple Machines Pulley Worksheet

Pulleys make everyday life easier, from flag poles to elevators. This worksheet helps kids recognize and appreciate how pulleys simplify our lives. They'll learn about the many practical uses for these simple rope and wheel systems.
Simple Machines Pulley Worksheet

The Benefits of Physical Science Worksheets for Grade 2 Students

Physical Science Worksheets are incredibly useful for children in Grade 2. These worksheets can help your child gain an understanding of the world around them and how it works. Physical Science is a fascinating subject that encompasses a wide range of topics, including motion, energy, matter, and forces.

One of the primary benefits of Physical Science Worksheets is that they provide a hands-on way for your child to learn important science concepts. Worksheets provide your child with the opportunity to see, touch, and experiment with different physical phenomena. This can help them develop a better understanding of the science behind everyday objects and events.

These worksheets also help students develop problem-solving skills. They must use their critical thinking skills to understand concepts such as how things move, what causes things to move, or how the energy of an object can change. By doing these worksheets, your child will be better prepared to solve problems and find creative solutions in other areas of their life.

Physical Science Worksheets also help students develop important research skills. Students will have to gather information from a variety of sources to complete the worksheet. They may have to look up information online, in a book, or even conduct a simple experiment. By doing so, your child will develop research skills that they can use throughout their academic careers.

Another benefit of Physical Science Worksheets is that they help students develop their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) skills. Developing STEM skills is becoming increasingly important in today's job market. By doing these worksheets, your child will be better prepared to pursue a career in a STEM-related field.

Physical Science Worksheets can also help children improve their language skills. Students must use scientific vocabulary to describe the concepts they are learning. This can help improve their reading comprehension, writing skills, and vocabulary.

Finally, Physical Science Worksheets are an excellent tool for reviewing and reinforcing classroom lessons. Your child can complete these worksheets at home, which can provide valuable practice and review. This can help them better understand concepts they may be struggling with and help them prepare for upcoming tests or quizzes.

In conclusion, Physical Science Worksheets are an incredible tool for children in Grade 2. They provide a hands-on way for your child to learn important science concepts, develop problem-solving skills, improve their research skills, develop their STEM skills, improve their language skills, and review classroom lessons. By doing these worksheets, your child will be better prepared to understand the world around them, pursue a career in a STEM-related field, and succeed academically.