RF.1.3 Phonics and Word Recognition worksheets With Answers for Grade 1


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Discover our engaging RF.1.3 Phonics and Word Recognition worksheets specifically designed for first graders! These worksheets provide students with essential practice in decoding and recognizing words, aligning perfectly with the Common Core standards. Each worksheet includes exciting activities that foster reading skills, and every answer key is provided to assist educators and parents in the assessment process. Our user-friendly format ensures that children can enjoy learning while building confidence in their phonics abilities. Visit our site today to access these valuable resources and support your child's literacy development with fun and interactive exercises!

Check out this FREE Grade 1 RF.1.3 Trial Lesson!

Short and Long Vowel Sort

With answer key
  • RF.1.3
  • With answer key
Plural Nouns Practice Worksheet
Plural Nouns Practice Worksheet

Plural Nouns Practice Worksheet

Explain to your child that most singular nouns become plural by adding "-s". E.g. "cat"->"cats". For words ending in "-ch", "-sh", "-s", "-x", or "-zz", add "-es". E.g. "buzz"->"buzzes". Then, get them to circle the right plural form of each noun on the worksheet.
Plural Nouns Practice Worksheet
Word structure worksheet: practice plurals
Word structure worksheet: practice plurals

Let's Practice Plurals Word Structure Worksheet

Practise plurals with this meaningful word structure worksheet. Plurals can be tricky for kids, but with this worksheet they'll learn to transform singular words with certain ends into plural forms.
Let's Practice Plurals Word Structure Worksheet
Missing Digraph: Part 1 Worksheet
Missing Digraph: Part 1 Worksheet

Missing Digraph: Part 1 Worksheet

Practice the 'th' digraph with this worksheet! Ask kids to say the words shown and sound out the letters below each image. Check the box with the correct digraph to complete. Examples include 'earth', 'bath' and 'moth', all ending with the same two letters. Phonics teaches that digraphs are two letters that make one sound.
Missing Digraph: Part 1 Worksheet
Plural Nouns Maze Worksheet
Plural Nouns Maze Worksheet

Plural Nouns Maze Worksheet

Oh no, the kitty needs her milk! Help your learner navigate the maze by drawing a line through the plural words. Review the grammar rules on -s and -es endings, then get to work to guide the kitten to her bowl! Download this PDF worksheet to start.
Plural Nouns Maze Worksheet
Let's Check Long Vowels: Assessment Worksheet
Let's Check Long Vowels: Assessment Worksheet

Let's Check Long Vowels: Assessment Worksheet

This worksheet helps your child identify objects and learn long vowel sounds. Ask them to say the names of the four objects in each row. Then, help them check the boxes to confirm they know the long vowel sounds. This will help them develop their reading skills.
Let's Check Long Vowels: Assessment Worksheet
Learn to Spell Worksheet
Learn to Spell Worksheet

Learn to Spell Worksheet

Help sharpen spelling skills with a simple worksheet. Read sentences aloud and show which word is missing. Ask students to pick the correct word from the options. Ensure they check the missing word for accuracy.
Learn to Spell Worksheet
What Means "Right Now" Worksheet
What Means "Right Now" Worksheet

What Means "Right Now" Worksheet

Explain present/past tense verbs to your kids, giving them simple examples. Ask which letters make a verb present tense; read the words aloud and help them check the correct answers.
What Means "Right Now" Worksheet
Digraph Th Printable Worksheet
Digraph Th Printable Worksheet

Digraphs: Think About "th" Worksheet

Help your child master phonics with this illustrated digraph Th printable worksheet. It will help recognize "Th" words, differentiate voiced and voiceless sounds and understand key concepts. Use similar words while they work to reap its full benefits!
Digraphs: Think About "th" Worksheet
The AI Vowel Pair Worksheet
The AI Vowel Pair Worksheet

The AI Vowel Pair Worksheet

Vowel pairs make different sounds than individual letters. The 'ai' combination often forms the long /a/ sound, like in 'brain' and 'strain'. Get your kids to look at the pictures in the worksheet, identify each and say the name aloud. Help them circle the words with the long /a/ sound.
The AI Vowel Pair Worksheet
Worksheet: words that start with "ch"
Worksheet: words that start with "ch"

Words That Start with "ch" Spelling Worksheet

With Kids Academy, learning phonics and spelling has never been easier. Kids Academy's "ch" tracing worksheet makes it easy for your little one to learn phonics and spelling. It features cute, brightly colored images to help them trace familiar words, making learning fun and enjoyable.
Words That Start with "ch" Spelling Worksheet
What Is It? Worksheet
What Is It? Worksheet

What Is It? Worksheet

Test your kids' object recognition skills with this worksheet. Have them identify each picture, then check the box next to the correct word. Point to the image and ask your child what it is; then help them select the correct answer. It's a great way to see how well they can recognize objects from pictures.
What Is It? Worksheet
Plurals: "–es" or "–es"? Worksheet
Plurals: "–es" or "–es"? Worksheet

Plurals: "–es" or "–es"? Worksheet

Learning plural nouns can be tough for young readers. This worksheet shows them the difference between singular and plural spelling with cute images. Read each word and check the correct version. Remind them why the other ending can't be used.
Plurals: "–es" or "–es"? Worksheet
What's Like Pizza? Worksheet
What's Like Pizza? Worksheet

What's Like Pizza? Worksheet

Encourage your kids to exercise their minds with this pizza worksheet! Ask them to name the ingredients they like on their favourite pizzas. Then, help them circle the images that have the same number of syllables as 'pizza'. They'll have fun while learning too!
What's Like Pizza? Worksheet
Spelling worksheet: "ig" and "ick" words
Spelling worksheet: "ig" and "ick" words

Words Families "ig" and "ick" Spelling Worksheet

Combine fun and learning with this illustrated spelling worksheet featuring "ig" and "ick" words! Ask kids to say the word, then determine which word family it belongs to. Pictures make it easier to learn and remember!
Words Families "ig" and "ick" Spelling Worksheet
Silent E Maze Worksheet
Silent E Maze Worksheet

Silent E Maze Worksheet

Kids love mazes! This fun printable worksheet lets them help a mama snake get home to her babies, using Silent E words. They'll practice fine motor skills, while they draw lines through words that have Silent E and words with closed syllables that don't. It's a great way to help them recognize Silent E words!
Silent E Maze Worksheet
Which's the OA Word? Worksheet
Which's the OA Word? Worksheet

Which's the OA Word? Worksheet

Encourage your kids to complete this fun worksheet. Ask them to identify the animals and objects in the pictures. Read the incomplete sentences aloud, and then find the correct word to finish the sentence. Check their work.
Which's the OA Word? Worksheet
Shhh... What Digraph? Worksheet
Shhh... What Digraph? Worksheet

Shhh... What Digraph? Worksheet

Phonetics sounds can be combined to create a new sound - like a digraph. A great example is the /sh/ sound. Words like 'brush' and 'fish' can be heard. Ask your child to provide more examples. Look at the pictures in the PDF and see if they can identify the objects. Additionally, help them find the digraph missing from each word.
Shhh... What Digraph? Worksheet
Flying Planes Worksheet
Flying Planes Worksheet

Flying Planes Worksheet

Adding the -ing suffix to verbs is a breeze with this fun worksheet! Colorful planes help your child spot the correct spelling of words that end in consonants - double the consonant, add -ing! Kids can compare correctly and incorrectly spelled words, giving them a better understanding of how the word looks correctly. Download the free PDF and get spelling!
Flying Planes Worksheet
Is It EE, EA, or AY? Worksheet
Is It EE, EA, or AY? Worksheet

Is It EE, EA, or AY? Worksheet

When 'ee', 'ea' and 'ay' are in words, they usually make the long /e/ and /a/ sounds. Examples of words with 'ee' are "sheep", 'beach' and 'seat' with 'ea', and 'clay' and 'play' with 'ay'. Check this colourful worksheet with your kids; help them find the words that make the long /e/ sound like 'sheep'.
Is It EE, EA, or AY? Worksheet
Cha, Cha, Cha: Find the /Ch/ Sound Worksheet
Cha, Cha, Cha: Find the /Ch/ Sound Worksheet

Cha, Cha, Cha: Find the /Ch/ Sound Worksheet

Have your students identify the objects in the images and if they struggle, help them check for the /ch/ digraph. This digraph forms a new sound when two or more consonants are combined, so it can be helpful to point it out to them in the colourful printout.
Cha, Cha, Cha: Find the /Ch/ Sound Worksheet
Sight Words Worksheet: Car, Cow, Chair
Sight Words Worksheet: Car, Cow, Chair

Car, Cow, Chair Worksheet Sight Words Worksheet

Reading can be difficult, so these assignment sheets can help kids stay on track. This one with the words 'Car', 'Cow' and 'Chair' will help your child choose the right words to complete a sentence, strengthen their literacy and give them more confidence in reading.
Car, Cow, Chair Worksheet Sight Words Worksheet
Long Vowel Maze /o/ and /i/ Worksheet
Long Vowel Maze /o/ and /i/ Worksheet

Long Vowel Maze /o/ and /i/ Worksheet

Help your new readers have fun and build their sight word vocabulary! Guide the mice to their prize cheese by having them trace the route on the worksheet, using words with the long o and long i sounds. But watch out for the kitty!
Long Vowel Maze /o/ and /i/ Worksheet
The /th/ Sound Worksheet
The /th/ Sound Worksheet

The /th/ Sound Worksheet

Confuse your students no more: have them use this worksheet to understand the /th/ sound and its two variants. With pictures, ask them to say the name of each one. Help them identify the voiced /th/ sound, like in 'mother', by having them say it aloud. Download the pdf to get started.
The /th/ Sound Worksheet
Short /a/ or Long /a/? Worksheet
Short /a/ or Long /a/? Worksheet

Short /a/ or Long /a/? Worksheet

Phonetics and its sounds can be tricky for kids. They can read and spell, but long and short vowels might be difficult. Use this phonetic worksheet to teach them to identify words with the short /a/ or long /a/ sound. Kids have to find the words ending with 'e' (long sound) and words with one vowel (short sound, e.g. 'mat'). Colourful printout makes it fun and easy to learn!
Short /a/ or Long /a/? Worksheet

Phonics and word recognition, highlighted in RF.1.3, are crucial components of early literacy development in first graders. Parents and teachers should care about this standard because it lays the foundation for proficient reading and writing skills. Mastering phonics enables young learners to decode unfamiliar words, fostering independence and confidence as readers.

Understanding how to connect sounds to letters helps facilitate word recognition, which is essential for fluency. When students read fluently, they devote less cognitive energy to decoding words and can focus more on comprehension, enhancing their overall understanding of texts.

Moreover, strong phonics skills correlate with academic success across subjects, as reading proficiency is vital for learning in all areas. By promoting RF.1.3, adults help children develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as they learn to analyze text patterns and language structures.

Encouraging phonics practice at home and in the classroom through engaging activities, games, and phonics-centered books can further reinforce these skills. Ultimately, prioritizing phonics and word recognition in education helps pave the way for lifelong learners who are skilled, confident readers. Investing time in this area fosters a love for reading that benefits children throughout their educational journey and beyond.