This fun-filled area formula worksheet PDF helps kids learn the geometric concept of area. It breaks down the formula with easy-to-follow steps, starting with counting squares to determine the length and width, then multiplying them to get the area.
Math may not be your child's favorite, but that doesn't mean they can't excel. Math can seem intimidating, but with practice, they can learn it's not so hard. In this worksheet, your kids will calculate the area of a parking lot, by adding length and width. Help them read the labels and select the correct answer.
Help your preschoolers understand area by showing them it's just length x width. Point to the picture in the worksheet, get them to read the labels and select the right answer. Encourage them that calculating areas of shapes, objects and places isn't too hard!
This downloadable PDF worksheet lets your child practice identifying when a king is checkmated and how it looks on a chessboard. Checkmate is the best move and with this colorful worksheet, they'll learn that it means their opponent's king is in check and cannot be saved, so they can win!
Calculating objects can seem tricky, but with your guidance your students will soon be pros. To help them, give them exercises to practice. Eg. Trace the dotted line on the worksheet to calculate perimeter and area. With practice, they'll soon be geometry experts.
Test your child's chess knowledge with this colorful worksheet! There are six pieces lined up with names underneath. Ask your child to name each piece, then check if it's correct. Help them succeed by brushing up on the different pieces and their names.
A chessboard has 8 horizontal ranks and 8 vertical files, each with 8 squares. Test your child's understanding of these directions with this fun worksheet!
Help your child learn the name of the lines that go through squares with this fun worksheet. Diagonals slant in left or right directions and create the same shape. Ask your child to identify the pictures with correctly drawn diagonals.
Chess is great for growing problem-solving and critical thinking skills in children, and it's even better if they have fun winning! This worksheet will help kids practice checkmating their opponent's king. They can use the sample board to draw the line of their winning move. Who doesn't love being a winner?!
Checkmate is the thrilling, ultimate move in chess! Teach your child to make it and notate it properly with this free worksheet. They'll love being able to capture the king and it's great for brain-building too! Have them look at the sample boards and place a # sign after the checkmate move for notation.