Homeschool and Education Counting Worksheets With Answer Keys


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    Answer Keys for Counting Worksheets

    Looking for a fun and educational way to enhance your child's counting skills? Look no further! Our Counting Worksheets with Answer Key are the perfect tool to engage young learners in a world of numbers. Packed with interactive exercises, these worksheets provide a comprehensive approach to counting from 1 to 20. Each worksheet is thoughtfully designed to capture your child's attention and promote a deep understanding of numbers. With the included answer key, you can easily track progress and ensure accurate results. Watch your child's confidence soar as they master the art of counting with our exceptional worksheets!

    Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Counting!

    Count up to 5 Objects

    With answer key
    • With answer key
    • Counting
    Counting Cupcakes Worksheet Preview
    Counting Cupcakes Worksheet Preview

    Counting Cupcakes Worksheet

    This fun worksheet for preschoolers uses cupcakes to teach counting. Kids must circle the groups of cupcakes that add up to 5. The delicious treats make learning fun and engaging!
    Counting Cupcakes Worksheet
    Division Worksheet for Grade 3 PDF
    Division Worksheet for Grade 3 PDF

    Division Worksheet

    Try this Easter-themed PDF worksheet for grade 3: perfect for teaching division with a fun, new trick! It's full of bright, colorful pictures your child will love, and it's as easy as skip counting to solve the problems.
    Division Worksheet
    Rocket Math Worksheet
    Rocket Math Worksheet

    Rocket Math Worksheet

    Your students will be math wizards in no time as they blast off on this exciting and colorful PDF worksheet. They'll use the 10s strategy to practice addition and subtraction, and they'll learn to skip count forwards and backwards. Keep them engaged and make learning fun!
    Rocket Math Worksheet
    Counting Floors Worksheet
    Counting Floors Worksheet

    Counting Floors Worksheet

    Take your kids on an elevator ride and have them help you. With this worksheet, little ones meet Lily and her mom. They're taking an elevator from Floor 1 to Floor 8. Ask them to check the floors they pass and help the two reach their destination.
    Counting Floors Worksheet
    8 Petals Worksheet
    8 Petals Worksheet

    8 Petals Worksheet

    Help your children master counting with this fun worksheet. It's filled with colorful flowers and they must count the petals and check the flowers with 8 petals. It's a great way to practice their counting skills and have some fun too!
    8 Petals Worksheet
    Skip Counting by 5 Printable Worksheet
    Skip Counting by 5 Printable Worksheet

    Skip Counting by 5s: Big Dipper Printable

    Skip Counting by 5s: Big Dipper Printable
    Skip Counting by 3 Printable Worksheet
    Skip Counting by 3 Printable Worksheet

    Skip Counting by 3s: Dot–to–Dot Constellation Printable

    Get counting and get ready to stargaze!
    Skip Counting by 3s: Dot–to–Dot Constellation Printable
    Find 7 Worksheet
    Find 7 Worksheet

    Find 7 Worksheet

    Counting seahorses in groups of 7 is fun and educational with this free worksheet. Kids practice counting, one-to-one number representation, and check off the correct answers, all while admiring the brightly colored seahorses. A great way to make learning enjoyable!
    Find 7 Worksheet
    Stolen Cheese Case Maze Worksheet
    Stolen Cheese Case Maze Worksheet

    Stolen Cheese Case Maze Worksheet

    Someone has stolen the cheese! Can your mathematician detective figure out who it is? Was it the dog, cat or mouse? Have them use traceable lines to skip count by 10 on this free PDF worksheet to solve the case. They'll be having fun and developing their skip-counting strategy at the same time!
    Stolen Cheese Case Maze Worksheet
    Flower Arrangement Worksheet
    Flower Arrangement Worksheet

    Flower Arrangement Worksheet

    Your math whizzes can use flower power to showcase their counting skills with this bright PDF! One-to-one representation in pictures helps children build number sense, which leads to better math and computation efficiencies. This PDF features traceable lines for kids to draw to the correct number of flowers, all while practicing their counting with pretty pictures.
    Flower Arrangement Worksheet
    3rd grade multiplication math worksheets
    3rd grade multiplication math worksheets

    3rd Grade Math Worksheet Multiplication

    Our 3rd-grade multiplication math worksheets are great fun! Kids practice using a number line and skip counting, and will feel like throwing a tea party after completing these! Perfect for honing in on multiplication skills.
    3rd Grade Math Worksheet Multiplication
    Skip Counting by Fives
    Skip Counting by Fives

    Skip Counting by 5s: Outer Space Math Printable

    Let your kid learn skip counting by fives with this fun space-themed worksheet! With simple instructions, cute graphics, and an independent approach, your child will have a blast and gain a key skill for math success. Counting answers and learning numeracy, they'll sharpen cognitive and problem solving skills while having fun! A great way to introduce skip counting, they'll discover the concept through minimal assistance. Blast off!
    Skip Counting by 5s: Outer Space Math Printable
    Ten Spots Worksheet
    Ten Spots Worksheet

    Ten Spots Worksheet

    Kids love ladybugs! Ask them to tell you what stands out most--the spots. Show them a picture and help them count the spots. Trace a line to the group with 10 spots for a fun counting lesson.
    Ten Spots Worksheet
    Counting: Assessment 2 Worksheet
    Counting: Assessment 2 Worksheet

    Counting: Assessment 2 Worksheet

    By now, your child should be able to count up to the hundreds. If they're still learning the tens, that's okay - as long as they're going at their own pace. This worksheet will be easy if they can count to ten. Ask them to trace the lines and skip count by 5's.
    Counting: Assessment 2 Worksheet
    Count by 5’s PDF Worksheet
    Count by 5’s PDF Worksheet

    Skip Counting by 5s: Aliens and Spaceships Printable

    Your child will love taking an intergalactic adventure as they practice skip counting by 5's with this worksheet! It'll help them identify and recognize large groups of numbers, categorize objects to count them, and prepare them for math concepts like multiplication. And with silly space graphics, they'll be motivated for more practice!
    Skip Counting by 5s: Aliens and Spaceships Printable
    Number Stories One More - Assessment 2 Worksheet Preview
    Number Stories One More - Assessment 2 Worksheet Preview

    Number Stories One More – Assessment 2 Worksheet

    Tracing is a great activity for kids. They can count and trace numbers, recognize animals, and practice drawing on dotted lines. It's entertaining and educational, helping children learn valuable counting skills.
    Number Stories One More – Assessment 2 Worksheet
    Skip Counting by 3 Worksheet
    Skip Counting by 3 Worksheet

    Skip Counting By Three Printable

    Inspire your child with this star-themed skip counting worksheet! It offers a fun way to learn while providing a foundation for more advanced math skills, like adding, subtracting, and multiplication. It will help your child gain a sense of numeracy, practice problem solving, and stay ahead in math.
    Skip Counting By Three Printable
    Count by 5’s Printable Worksheet
    Count by 5’s Printable Worksheet

    Skip Counting by 5s: Space Math Printable

    This worksheet will provide your child with fun and practice counting by 5's. It'll help them visually count numbers, use problem solving skills and make connections between individual and groups of numbers. Counting money and various math concepts will become easier with this invaluable skill. Blast off with this fun and educational worksheet featuring space graphics.
    Skip Counting by 5s: Space Math Printable
    Turtle Counting Worksheet
    Turtle Counting Worksheet

    Turtle Counting Worksheet

    Help your child identify the turtle in the picture and teach them about turtles. From their diet to the life cycle, they'll learn a lot. Now, help the baby turtle return to its mother. Count from 1 to 7, then connect the dots on the printout.
    Turtle Counting Worksheet
    Skip Counting by 5s With Community Helpers Worksheet
    Skip Counting by 5s With Community Helpers Worksheet

    Skip Counting by 5s With Community Helpers Worksheet

    This free worksheet combines social studies with math! Kids will practice counting by 5s, rounding numbers and honing their computation skills while also familiarizing themselves with community helpers. Develop your child's number sense and strengthen their math skills - all through a fun and interactive activity.
    Skip Counting by 5s With Community Helpers Worksheet
    Count by 2's: Trains Worksheet
    Count by 2's: Trains Worksheet

    Count by 2's: Trains Worksheet

    Teaching your kids quick computations? Get them skip-counting by 2s! They'll love filling in the colors of the train while counting, and it will help with 'counting up' or backward on paper or in their heads - essential for quick computations later.
    Count by 2's: Trains Worksheet
    Skip Counting by 10 through Different Communities Worksheet
    Skip Counting by 10 through Different Communities Worksheet

    Skip Counting by 10 through Different Communities Worksheet

    This free PDF worksheet helps students practice skip counting and 'making a ten', essential for math efficiency and accuracy. Students explore different types of communities (urban, suburban and rural) whilst honing their skills. A great combo of social studies and math!
    Skip Counting by 10 through Different Communities Worksheet
    Skip Counting by 10’s Worksheet
    Skip Counting by 10’s Worksheet

    Learn dozens: Skip Count by Tens Printable

    Follow a shooting star on an adventure of skip counting by 10s. Strengthen math skills with this fun and colorful worksheet. Kids will solve a puzzle, exercise logical reasoning and problem-solving skills. Get them ready for multiplication and division through increased skip counting abilities. Print this worksheet and take your star to the next level!
    Learn dozens: Skip Count by Tens Printable
    Graph: Baby Animals Worksheet
    Graph: Baby Animals Worksheet

    Graph: Baby Animals Worksheet

    Graphs are essential for learning in math, science and ELA. This worksheet featuring baby animals is a fun way to practice reading graphs. Look at the graph and answer the questions below it. Check the boxes for the right answers based on the data.
    Graph: Baby Animals Worksheet