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Printable Number Worksheets For Kindergarten

Take your Kindergarten math lessons to the next level with our Extra Challenge Number Worksheets! Our series of printable kindergarten math worksheets will challenge your students to master numbers 1 through 20. Each worksheet introduces a range of numbers, which students will identify and color, trace, and count out the number. With vibrant, fun designs, each worksheet will keep your students engaged and motivated to learn. These number worksheets are the perfect challenge for Kindergartners honing their math skills. They offer an entertaining, educational activity for classrooms and homeschoolers alike. With extra challenge throughout, your students can have fun as they learn to master numbers 1 through 20.

Check out this FREE Kindergarten Trial Lesson on Numbers!

Count by 10's

With answer key
  • Kindergarten
  • Numbers
  • Extra Challenge
Desert Maze Worksheet
Desert Maze Worksheet

Desert Maze Worksheet

Introduce kids to deserts with videos or photos. Describe how, in deserts, camels are used for transportation due to their ability to go long distances without water. This worksheet gives kids the chance to help a camel cross the desert by drawing a line from 1 to 10.
Desert Maze Worksheet
Math PDF Worksheet: Drawing the Bear’s Route by Number
Math PDF Worksheet: Drawing the Bear’s Route by Number

Drawing the Bear's Route by Number Worksheet

This winter-themed math worksheet is perfect for counting practice. Have fun learning and celebrating the season with your kindergartener as they trace and recognize numbers. It also helps develop fine motor muscles. For more fun, check out the math worksheets on Kids Academy.
Drawing the Bear's Route by Number Worksheet
Number worksheet: counting with peapods
Number worksheet: counting with peapods

Number Worksheet: Counting With Peapods

Help your child learn multiplication and develop their place value skills in a fun way with this number worksheet: Counting with Peapods! Each pod has 10 peas, and kids can simply count each one and add a zero to the ones place to get the answer. It's a great, colorful way to learn!
Number Worksheet: Counting With Peapods
Counting Floors Worksheet
Counting Floors Worksheet

Counting Floors Worksheet

Take your kids on an elevator ride and have them help you. With this worksheet, little ones meet Lily and her mom. They're taking an elevator from Floor 1 to Floor 8. Ask them to check the floors they pass and help the two reach their destination.
Counting Floors Worksheet
Сounting from 11 to 20 Worksheet
Сounting from 11 to 20 Worksheet

Ordering 11–20: Busy Bee Counting Worksheet

Help your child master counting from 11 to 20 with our connect the dot counting worksheet. Kids will have fun counting, drawing and problem-solving with this vibrant worksheet. With clear directions, adorable pictures and a sense of purpose, your child will develop crucial numeracy skills without even knowing it!
Ordering 11–20: Busy Bee Counting Worksheet
Comparing Numbers Printable Worksheet
Comparing Numbers Printable Worksheet

Which Has More? Size Worksheet

This worksheet is perfect for your child to practice critical thinking and logical reasoning. Your child will count and compare the fruits and veggies in the crates to decide which one has more. They will use complex cognitive skills and practice following precise rules. Guide them through the directions and help keep their focus, while enjoying the images.
Which Has More? Size Worksheet
Math PDF Worksheets - Count and Match Vegetables: 1 – 7
Math PDF Worksheets - Count and Match Vegetables: 1 – 7

Count and Match Vegetables 1 – 7 Math Worksheet

Print this bright math worksheet from Kids Academy and give your child a fun way to enhance their counting skills. Based on Singapore Math, the colourful pictures make it easy for children to comprehend math. Get additional free worksheets here!
Count and Match Vegetables 1 – 7 Math Worksheet
Ducks in a Row Worksheet
Ducks in a Row Worksheet

Ducks in a Row Worksheet

Are you looking for a fun and free math enrichment activity for your young one? Get Sweet Mama Duck and her ducks to the pond by helping your child navigate through this colorful maze! They'll use their fine motor skills and hone their number sense as they count ducks, turtles and frogs. Plus, they'll learn one-to-one representation. A great educational way to have fun!
Ducks in a Row Worksheet
Counting with pirates worksheet
Counting with pirates worksheet

Counting With Pirates Worksheet

Ahoy, mateys! Join us on the hunt for the pirate with four treasure chests! They’re hidden in this counting worksheet, full of swashbuckling fun! Your little one will be excited to search for gold and at the same time develop key counting skills - a great start to early math!
Counting With Pirates Worksheet
Kindergarten Counting by Tens Worksheet
Kindergarten Counting by Tens Worksheet

Learn dozens: Space math Worksheet

This worksheet uses Singapore Math's approach to help your child visually understand basic counting and math problems.
Learn dozens: Space math Worksheet
Connect the Dots Numbers 1-10
Connect the Dots Numbers 1-10

Count with the Matador Connect Dots Worksheet

Count with the Matador Connect Dots Worksheet
Learning Numbers Worksheets: Learning to Write 1 PDF
Learning Numbers Worksheets: Learning to Write 1 PDF

Learning to Write 1 Worksheet

Learning to write numbers can be easy and fun! Get this new number worksheet to help your child excel. Practice counting, tracing and writing the number “one”, then circle the fish with “1” on them. Revise spelling and have fun! Get more tracing numbers worksheets at Kids Academy and enjoy the learning process.
Learning to Write 1 Worksheet
Connect the Dots Printable Worksheet
Connect the Dots Printable Worksheet

Train Connect Dots Worksheet

Train Connect Dots Worksheet

Count and Match Points 8 Math Worksheet

This free PDF helps children develop their number skills by counting the points in the boxes. Each box contains a total of 9 points, making it a fun and colorful activity. Parents can encourage their young ones by guiding them if they need help counting. By the end of the worksheet, children should have a better understanding of numbers.
Count and Match Points 8 Math Worksheet
Halloween Problem Solving Worksheet
Halloween Problem Solving Worksheet

Halloween Problem Solving Worksheet

Halloween math is here! Get your spooky word problems and frightfully cute images with this free PDF worksheet. Read the problems with your little one and focus on the numbers and key phrases. Then match the equation to its solution to complete the page. Calling all ghosts and goblins - have some math fun this Halloween!
Halloween Problem Solving Worksheet
Apple Tree Counting Worksheet
Apple Tree Counting Worksheet

Apple Tree Counting Worksheet

Help your kids perfect their counting skills with this fun exercise. Get them to count the apples on the 5 trees and circle the ones with 9. It's great that they are learning to count at school and you can keep the excitement going at home. This colorful worksheet will help your children practice and perfect their counting.
Apple Tree Counting Worksheet
Counting coins worksheet for 2nd grade.
Counting coins worksheet for 2nd grade.

Counting Coins Worksheet

It will challenge them to spend a given amount using the least coins possible. Perfect for 2nd grade. Help your child learn to count coins with this fun bakery-themed worksheet. It's perfect for 2nd graders and will challenge them to use the least coins possible to spend a set amount. Develop a valuable life skill and have fun while doing it!
Counting Coins Worksheet
One Move Checkmates: Puzzle 1 Worksheet
One Move Checkmates: Puzzle 1 Worksheet

One Move Checkmates: Puzzle 1 Worksheet

Checkmate your opponent with this age-appropriate PDF worksheet! It'll challenge your budding mathematician to use strategy, visual-spatial skills, logic and critical thinking. While solving, they'll also work on fine motor skills and tracking, which are essential reading skills. It's a great way to strengthen math and literacy skills.
One Move Checkmates: Puzzle 1 Worksheet

Count and Match Points 6 Math Worksheet

Help your child with mathematics by guiding them with this fun printable worksheet. They will practice counting numbers by looking at all the boxes and circling the ones containing 6 dots. Together you will gain a better understanding of mathematics.
Count and Match Points 6 Math Worksheet
Little Witch Problem Solving Worksheet
Little Witch Problem Solving Worksheet

Little Witch Problem Solving Worksheet

Help this sweet little witch! Download this worksheet and use traceable lines to connect the problems with the correct answers. Practise basic addition involving three addends and have fun doing it!
Little Witch Problem Solving Worksheet
Preschool Counting Worksheets
Preschool Counting Worksheets

Fairy Tale Worksheet: Count and Classify with Rapunzel

Get printing and shine a light on your pre-math skills!
Fairy Tale Worksheet: Count and Classify with Rapunzel
Skip Counting by 10’s Worksheet
Skip Counting by 10’s Worksheet

Learn dozens: Skip Count by Tens Printable

Follow a shooting star on an adventure of skip counting by 10s. Strengthen math skills with this fun and colorful worksheet. Kids will solve a puzzle, exercise logical reasoning and problem-solving skills. Get them ready for multiplication and division through increased skip counting abilities. Print this worksheet and take your star to the next level!
Learn dozens: Skip Count by Tens Printable
Connect the Dots Numbers 1-10 PDF
Connect the Dots Numbers 1-10 PDF

Count with the Captain Connect Dots Worksheet

All aboard! Help the captain set sail with this fun connect the dots numbers 1-10 PDF! Motivate your child to practice counting and numeracy, as they help the captain find his way to his ship. Problem solving skills and recognition of numbers in print are also developed. Reward your child after completion and they'll be unaware of the skills honed.
Count with the Captain Connect Dots Worksheet
Guess the Word Problem Worksheet
Guess the Word Problem Worksheet

Guess the Word Problem Worksheet

Head to the Arctic Circle for math word problems with penguins, bears, and eskimos! This winter printable worksheet helps kids enjoy math with cute images. Guide kids through addition and subtraction in standard form with the penguins. Compare word problems to its written and pictorial forms for an enjoyable lesson!
Guess the Word Problem Worksheet

The Importance of Number Worksheets Extra Challenge for Kindergarteners

Extra Challenge worksheets on Number Worksheets are an invaluable tool for kids in Kindergarten as they begin their formal education journey and develop their numerical understanding. In kindergarten, the basics of counting, sorting objects by number, and recognizing numbers are essential to nurturing a lifelong interest in mathematics. When used in combination with traditional instruction and activities, Number Worksheets Extra Challenge helps give Kindergartners an extra boost in understanding numbers and their effectiveness in solving problems.

The Extra Challenge worksheets available on Number Worksheets give Kindergartners an understanding of the relationship between numerals and their corresponding quantities. Depending on the complexity of the worksheet, Kindergartners are also exposed to the relevance of symbols and fractions. By providing students with an intensive overview of numeracy basics, teachers can rest assured that children are starting on a strong foundation for their later math education.

Number Worksheets Extra Challenge enables kinder to go beyond their traditional math activities, providing more thorough and comprehensive math problems. The worksheets go beyond simple counting and sorting, giving Kindergarteners exposure to more difficult tasks. With incrementally harder problems, the children can slowly adapt to the rigorous practice and keep pushing the limits. This allows them to experience the subtleties of numbers while also getting a real grasp of the logic involved in mathematics.

Extra Challenge worksheets also provide Kindergarteners with the opportunity to exercise their problem solving abilities as they attempt to solve creative math puzzles. The puzzles encourage children to think out of the box and to explore the depths of numeracy. With its interactive and thought-provoking worksheets, Number Worksheets Extra Challenge can really stimulate the minds of Kindergarteners and help to set the tone for successful mathematical knowledge.

The well-crafted worksheets available on Number Worksheets Extra Challenge can really provide Kindergarteners with an unprecedented opportunity to excel in the world of math. The relatively straightforward yet problem-solving oriented worksheets can really offer children a shortcut to become proficient in math while still being low in difficulty. With such an important building block already in place, children can gain a great deal of confidence as they progress in their mathematical studies. Number Worksheets Extra Challenge can really allow Kindergarteners an advantageous step ahead in their mathematical development.