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    Printable Grammar Worksheets

    One of the first things children will do during their early childhood education is learn how to write. Children looking to be good writers must perfect their punctuation and spelling skills. Capitalization goes hand in hand with spelling and punctuation, and children will learn just how important capitalization is with these worksheets. Children will learn how to identify capitalized letters, how to use them, and how to write them. With constant practice and the simple tasks in these worksheets, kids will soon perfect their capitalization skills.

    Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Capitalization!

    Use Capital Letters at the Beginning of a Sentence

    With answer key
    • Capitalization
    Capitalization Worksheet: Fix the Story
    Capitalization Worksheet: Fix the Story

    Capitalization: Fix the Story Worksheet

    This worksheet is perfect for mastering capitalization in stories: Fix the Story. Read along with your child and help them find all the words that require capitalization. It's sure to be a fun and engaging challenge!
    Capitalization: Fix the Story Worksheet
    Check the Word Worksheet
    Check the Word Worksheet

    Check the Word Worksheet

    Help your kids learn the rules of capitalisation - that the first word of each sentence and nouns must start with a capital letter. Use this worksheet to test their understanding: ask them to identify which words should begin with a capital.
    Check the Word Worksheet
    Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling: Assessment 1 Worksheet
    Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling: Assessment 1 Worksheet

    Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling: Assessment 1 Worksheet

    Capitalization is important for a lot of things. Ask your child about the significance of it. Punctuations, like the full stop, comma, question mark, and exclamation mark, are also key. Read each sentence in this worksheet to your child and ask if it has correct capitalization. Help them check the correct sentences.
    Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling: Assessment 1 Worksheet
    Worksheet: To Capitalize or Not to Capitalize
    Worksheet: To Capitalize or Not to Capitalize

    Capitalization: To Capitalize or Not? Printable

    Have them answer the questions in "To Capitalize or Not to Capitalize" to check their understanding.
    Capitalization: To Capitalize or Not? Printable
    Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling. Assessment 3 Worksheet
    Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling. Assessment 3 Worksheet

    Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling. Assessment 3 Worksheet

    Before starting this worksheet, have your kids spell some simple words. Correct if wrong and show the right spellings. Then, ask them to link the pictures to the words you read out. Spelling is key for a good writer, and kids need to know how to spell to read texts easily.
    Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling. Assessment 3 Worksheet
    Practice Capitalization Printable Worksheet
    Practice Capitalization Printable Worksheet

    Practice Capitalization Printable

    Test your child's knowledge of capitalization with this fun worksheet! It's up to them to choose which words need to be capitalized and which don't. Get your printable Practice Capitalization worksheet today! (80 words)
    Practice Capitalization Printable
    Capitalization Worksheet, 1st Grade
    Capitalization Worksheet, 1st Grade

    Capitalization Rules: Part 1 Worksheet

    Kids entering high school with poor capitalization skills? Equip your 1st grader with the tools to combat this now! This capitalization worksheet will give them the knowledge they need to understand the importance of proper grammar rules and get their writing up to scratch.
    Capitalization Rules: Part 1 Worksheet
    Capitalizing Titles Worksheet
    Capitalizing Titles Worksheet

    Capitalizing Titles Worksheet

    Perfect for kids all the way through high school, it's an easy way to nurture healthy writing habits.
    Capitalizing Titles Worksheet
    Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling: Assessment 2 Worksheet
    Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling: Assessment 2 Worksheet

    Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling: Assessment 2 Worksheet

    Teach your kids the basics of punctuation. Ask them to name the punctuation marks they know and review a worksheet together. Start with the full stop, question mark and exclamation mark. Show them examples and explain the differences between a comma and semi colon. Teaching proper use of punctuation marks is key to their development.
    Capitalization. Punctuation. Spelling: Assessment 2 Worksheet
    Worksheet: Practice Capitalization, 1st Grade
    Worksheet: Practice Capitalization, 1st Grade

    Capitalization Rules: Part 2 Worksheet

    Split up grammar rules into shorter, achievable worksheets with this Halloween-themed worksheet, helping kids to practice capitalization for 1st grade.
    Capitalization Rules: Part 2 Worksheet
    Capitalization of Titles Worksheet
    Capitalization of Titles Worksheet

    Capitalization of Titles Worksheet

    Capitalizing titles can be tricky. This worksheet helps kids do it with ease by focusing on popular book titles. Kids find capitalization much easier with examples from childhood favorites.
    Capitalization of Titles Worksheet
    Capitalization Key Worksheet Preview
    Capitalization Key Worksheet Preview

    Capitalization Key Worksheet

    Help your kids learn the importance of capitalizing at the start of sentences with this fun PDF! It features 6 family-themed sentences, with pictures, that your students have to find the correctly capitalized versions of. Perfect for young learners, this worksheet adds a fun twist to learning.
    Capitalization Key Worksheet
    Fix Capital Letters Worksheet
    Fix Capital Letters Worksheet

    Fix Capital Letters Worksheet

    Put on your hardhats and get out the tools - it's time to do some repair work! Have your child identify sentences written with proper capitalization on this fun and colorful worksheet. Ask more advanced students to rewrite incorrect sentences correctly - it'll help them understand letter case better.
    Fix Capital Letters Worksheet
    How to Capitalize Worksheet Preview
    How to Capitalize Worksheet Preview

    How to Capitalize Worksheet

    Capitalizing letters is important in English. This worksheet will help your child learn how to write them. Words such as "the" and "I" will be covered, with visuals such as the Statue of Liberty, the American Flag, a castle, and a sombrero. The "How to Capitalize" PDF is a great way to sharpen your child's writing and aid their success!
    How to Capitalize Worksheet

    The Importance of Capitalization Worksheets for Young Students

    Capitalization is an essential skill that students need to learn from a young age. When children start to learn how to write, it is important to teach them how to capitalize words in sentences properly. Capitalization is the practice of using uppercase letters to begin proper nouns and the first letter in a sentence. As simple as it sounds, capitalization is a crucial aspect of writing that affects the clarity and correctness of sentences.

    Fortunately, Capitalization Worksheets can provide an effective way to teach young students about capitalization. These worksheets are designed specifically to help children in Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3 to understand and apply capitalization rules correctly. The worksheets cover different topics, such as nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, titles, and so on.

    One of the advantages of Capitalization Worksheets is that they are interactive and engaging for students. The worksheets incorporate various kinds of activities, such as matching, tracing, coloring, filling in blanks, and writing sentences. These activities are intended to capture the student's attention and make the learning experience more enjoyable.

    Another benefit of Capitalization Worksheets is that they provide a structured approach to teaching capitalization. The worksheets are designed in a progressive manner, starting with simple sentences and gradually introducing more complex sentences. By following this structured approach, students can build on their knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of capitalization rules.

    Moreover, Capitalization Worksheets can enhance students' vocabulary and spelling skills. The worksheets often use proper nouns and titles, which can introduce students to new words and concepts. Capitalization can help students spell words correctly because it helps them remember which letters in a word are capitalized.

    Furthermore, Capitalization Worksheets can improve students' writing skills. Proper capitalization can make writing more understandable and formal. By using Capitalization Worksheets, students can develop a habit of capitalizing letters correctly and writing sentences that are grammatically correct.

    In conclusion, Capitalization Worksheets are an essential tool for teaching students how to use capitalization correctly. These worksheets can help young students in Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, and Grade 3 grasp the basics of capitalization with a fun and engaging approach. By using these worksheets, students can build a strong foundation in writing and communication skills that will be useful throughout their academic career and beyond.