Developing problem-solving abilities Place Value Worksheets

Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Place Value!

Relate Place Value (base 10 block) addition to standard algorithm addition Part 2

With answer key
  • Developing problem-solving abilities
  • Place Value
Addition and Subtraction Within 1: Assessment 1 Worksheet
Addition and Subtraction Within 1: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Addition and Subtraction Within 1: Assessment 1 Worksheet

Help your kids develop their math skills with this worksheet! Addition and subtraction can be daunting for young learners, but you can make it easier for them with this pdf. Use it to check the correct sum and help them solve the addition problems. This is a great way to get them ready to be future great mathematicians.
Addition and Subtraction Within 1: Assessment 1 Worksheet
What Equation Is That? Worksheet
What Equation Is That? Worksheet

What Equation Is That? Worksheet

Have your students practice counting with base ten blocks. This will help them with math struggles. Homework and worksheets will help them improve; ask them to trace lines to the correct equation on a tracing sheet. Guide them as they count the blocks and trace the lines.
What Equation Is That? Worksheet