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Communities around the world produce goods and provide services.

Check out this FREE Grade 3 3.10a Trial Lesson!

Producers and Consumers

With answer key
  • 3.10a
Community helpers worksheet goods and services
Community helpers worksheet goods and services

Goods and Services Worksheet

Goods and Services Worksheet
Local Government Worksheets for 3rd Grade
Local Government Worksheets for 3rd Grade

Local Government Worksheet

This local government worksheet helps 3rd graders learn about important local entities that impact our cities. Kids will make a connection between community services and local municipalities.
Local Government Worksheet
Producer or Consumer? Worksheet
Producer or Consumer? Worksheet

Producer or Consumer? Worksheet

Test your child's knowledge by asking who's a producer and consumer. Explain producer makes things and consumer buys them. Use a snack example. Look at the picture with your kids and help them check the box next to producer or consumer.
Producer or Consumer? Worksheet
Producers and Consumers: Sequencing Worksheet
Producers and Consumers: Sequencing Worksheet

Producers and Consumers: Sequencing Worksheet

Ask your child: Who are producers? Can you give an example? Here's one: a shoe maker. What's happening in each picture? Can you arrange them in the right order? Select the number that shows the correct answer.
Producers and Consumers: Sequencing Worksheet