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    Scarcity means that people’s wants exceed their limited resources.

    Check out this FREE Grade 1 1.9a Trial Lesson!


    With answer key
    • 1.9a
    Natural resources water worksheet
    Natural resources water worksheet

    Natural Resources: Water Worksheet

    With our natural resources water worksheet, your child will explore the significance of this precious resource. Unlock your child’s understanding of water’s importance with our natural resources water worksheet. They’ll learn the many ways we use water in our day-to-day lives, and grasp the necessity of this vital natural resource.
    Natural Resources: Water Worksheet
    Natural Resources Coloring Page Worksheet
    Natural Resources Coloring Page Worksheet

    Natural Resources Coloring Page Worksheet

    Kids will love coloring this beautiful nature scene! Download our free PDF and show your children how the sun is integral to our life cycle. Explain the interactions between the sun, wind and water cycles that make it possible for trees and plants to grow. Coloring also helps develop fine-motor skills in kids.
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    Natural Resources Coloring Page Worksheet
    Water Scarcity Worksheet
    Water Scarcity Worksheet

    Water Scarcity Worksheet

    Water is an essential part of our lives. Ask your students to list five everyday activities which require water. Use this worksheet to explain why water is important and how privileged we are to have access to it. Many people are not as lucky and face water scarcity. Explain this concept with a fun pdf, showing the effects of water scarcity.
    Water Scarcity Worksheet