This worksheet helps students practice mathematical vocabulary related to size and quantity. Children look at pictures and draw a line to the objects that are taller, shorter, big, small, light, heavy, empty or full. The teacher can quickly check students' understanding of these measurement terms and then ask for examples of their own.
Teach young students about sequence words with this free worksheet. Have them look at sets of people or objects and choose the one that is last. Engage them further by having them describe or act out their day, and what happens last? Enjoy this printout and have fun!
Have your young students discuss what it means to be first in line, row, or a race. This free worksheet helps clarify their understanding of "first". View each group of people/objects and choose the first one. Follow up with hands-on activities like lining up students/toys or acting out a sequence of movements. Students can tell what happened first. Enjoy this printout for a fun math lesson!