3.NF.A.1 Number and Operations-Fractions worksheets for Grade 3


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Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b.

Check out this FREE Grade 3 3.NF.A.1 Trial Lesson!

Recognizing Common Fractions

With answer key
  • 3.NF.A.1
Around the Globe Worksheet
Around the Globe Worksheet

Around the Globe Worksheet

This worksheet introduces your students to the globe. Explain that it's a 3D representation of our planet, and highlight the Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western Hemispheres, plus the Equator and Prime Meridian. Then, have them circle the fractions associated with the shapes shown. Point out the shaded or colored sections for guidance.
Around the Globe Worksheet
Fraction Quest Worksheet
Fraction Quest Worksheet

Fraction Quest Worksheet

This colorful and educative worksheet can help kids conquer their fractions struggles. Ask them to identify the four shapes, then the fractions they represent. They can then check the correct answers from the options given.
Fraction Quest Worksheet
What Is the Numerator? Worksheet
What Is the Numerator? Worksheet

What Is the Numerator? Worksheet

Help your kids learn fractions with this simple worksheet. Explain that the numerator is the number atop another number, then have them count the shaded pieces in each large square to find the numerator of the fraction. This activity is perfect for young kindergartners starting out with fractions.
What Is the Numerator? Worksheet
Fraction Matching Worksheet
Fraction Matching Worksheet

Fraction Matching Worksheet

Teach your kindergartners fractions with this colorful worksheet. Make sure they understand numerators and denominators, then have them trace a line to the correct visual representation of each equation. There are five fractions for them to work on. With the foundation of fractions, mathematics will be much easier for them.
Fraction Matching Worksheet
What Is the Denominator? Worksheet
What Is the Denominator? Worksheet

What Is the Denominator? Worksheet

If your kindergartener is struggling with fractions, don't worry. Use this worksheet to help them understand better. Ask them to count the total small squares in each large square to find the denominator, then trace on the dotted line to answer. This printable tracing sheet will help them learn fractions easier.
What Is the Denominator? Worksheet
Scottish Sewing Part 2 Worksheet
Scottish Sewing Part 2 Worksheet

Scottish Sewing Part 2 Worksheet

Oliver and Alleen are sewing traditional Scottish attire. Help your kids count the cloth and check the correct fraction to support them. Have your kids check the correct amount that represents each fraction to help the brother-sister duo prepare their material.
Scottish Sewing Part 2 Worksheet
World Traveler Worksheet
World Traveler Worksheet

World Traveler Worksheet

Kids love exploring the world? Inez sure does! She's seen oceans and continents around the globe. Your kids can help her figure out what fraction of the world she has visited. Have them name all the countries they've been to, then look at the marked sections on the printout to find out!
World Traveler Worksheet