Before the exercise, ask students to recall sources of light. Use this worksheet to explain that the brighter the light source, the more space it can light up. Identify the different light sources in the pictures, then check the brighter light source in each pair. The biggest natural source of light is the sun.
Help your child explore sources of light with this printout exercise. Ask them if they know the sun is the reason for day and night. Then point out other common light sources, then work together to guide them through the maze from start to finish.
Sound is the result of vibrations. As a violinist creates music on her instrument, we can observe how the vibrations start and stop, producing a pleasing sound. This worksheet helps kids understand the basics of physical science behind sound.
Before beginning this worksheet, make sure your students are aware of the five senses: sight, taste, touch, smell, and hearing. This worksheet will help them explore how we hear sounds with our ears. Read or listen to the text, study the images, and answer the questions. Check off the correct answers.
Many objects, creatures, and things make sounds. People talk, animals bark, hiss or meow, and things make sounds too. Ask your students to name others that produce sounds and why they do, such as when a drum is hit with a stick. Get them to learn about vibrations and cause/effect in this fun worksheet and check the answers.
Introduce music to your kids with this free printable coloring worksheet! Ask them to name the instruments and their sounds, then let them get creative with the colors. A band is formed when several people play instruments together - help your child learn this concept and get inspired to join a band one day!
Remind your students of our five senses! This worksheet will teach them more about sight: read/listen to the text, look at pictures, then help them complete sentences. Check off the right words!
This worksheet is a fun way to teach kids about light sources. Children must identify natural sources like the sun and lightning, and man-made sources such as candles and lamps. Ask them to look at each object and check the box to indicate if it's a light source or not.
Before beginning this worksheet, ensure your students know that we have five senses: eyes (seeing), tongue (tasting), skin (feeling), nose (smelling), and ears (hearing). This worksheet will explore seeing and hearing - ask your students what they can see/hear in the picture and get them to check it off.