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    Homeschool and Homeschool Comparing Numbers Worksheets for Grade 1

    Help your children get a good grasp of comparing numbers with this collection of Grade 1 comparing numbers worksheets! From number identification to choosing the suitable comparative symbol, they give kids a better understanding of the relationships between numbers and see how they work for real-life situations.

    You can print our comparing numbers first-grade worksheets or complete them online to keep young minds busy with the math they’ll enjoy!

    Check out this FREE Grade 1 Trial Lesson on Comparing Numbers!

    Comparing Numbers based on Place Value

    With answer key
    • Grade 1
    • Comparing Numbers
    Shared Food Worksheet
    Shared Food Worksheet

    Shared Food Worksheet

    In this worksheet, kids learn about sharing and cutting shapes into equal parts. There are two groups of friends: one with two, the other with four. Ask your child which group has their food cut into smaller shares, and help them find the right answer.
    Shared Food Worksheet
    Less Than Worksheet
    Less Than Worksheet

    Less Than Worksheet

    Compare numbers with your child using this fun worksheet! Paintings of sports cars add visuals to the task of counting up to 88. Make learning enjoyable with this colorful activity - your child will stay engaged and eager to learn more.
    Less Than Worksheet
    Comparing Number Representations Worksheet
    Comparing Number Representations Worksheet

    Comparing Number Representations Worksheet

    Children need number representation skills to develop efficient computation and number sense. This free worksheet gives them practice with ten frames and place value blocks. They compare numbers and select the right comparative symbol: <, > or =. This helps them build a solid foundation for math.
    Comparing Number Representations Worksheet
    Seashell Collectors Worksheet
    Seashell Collectors Worksheet

    Seashell Collectors Worksheet

    Bring beach fun into math with this printable worksheet! Carefully read the text with your child and figure out how many seashells Stuart has - more than Meg's, less than Jane's. Forget boring indoor math; your child won't want to miss out on this fun activity!
    Seashell Collectors Worksheet
    Fun Worksheet: Baseball Math
    Fun Worksheet: Baseball Math

    Compare Numbers Printable

    Encourage your sports fan to strengthen math skills with this fun worksheet: Baseball Math! They'll learn key concepts such as 'greater than', 'less than' and 'equal to', while having a blast. Build their number sense and make learning enjoyable!
    Compare Numbers Printable
    Comparing Numbers: Base Ten Blocks Worksheet
    Comparing Numbers: Base Ten Blocks Worksheet

    Comparing Numbers: Base Ten Blocks Worksheet

    Make math fun for your child with a colorful worksheet. They'll need to compare signs by counting blocks on each side and signifying whether it's correct or not. This is one way to help your child beat the unhappiness that comes with math.
    Comparing Numbers: Base Ten Blocks Worksheet
    Place Value: Assessment 1 Worksheet
    Place Value: Assessment 1 Worksheet

    Place Value: Assessment 1 Worksheet

    Assess your child's place value and number representation with this PDF worksheet. It lets them count and compare numbers and practice chiseling numbers into groups of ten. It's a great way to identify any concepts that need to be reinforced.
    Place Value: Assessment 1 Worksheet
    Greater Than Worksheet
    Greater Than Worksheet

    Greater Than Worksheet

    Tired of generic maths problems? Try this fun pdf worksheet! With your child or student, carefully look through the numbers in the balloon and circle those greater than 35. Enjoyable and educational!
    Greater Than Worksheet
    Place Value: Assessment 2 Worksheet
    Place Value: Assessment 2 Worksheet

    Place Value: Assessment 2 Worksheet

    Children must learn to recognize the value of numbers and break them into chunks of ten. They must also be able to compare numbers to know if one is greater, less than or equal to another. The Place Value Assessment PDF is a great tool to assess their skills and identify what requires more practice.
    Place Value: Assessment 2 Worksheet
    Place Value: Assessment 3 Worksheet
    Place Value: Assessment 3 Worksheet

    Place Value: Assessment 3 Worksheet

    Test your child's math skills without them realizing it! This fun worksheet looks at the states and regions of the U.S. and your child can compare numbers greater or lesser than the other. It's the perfect way to assess your child's number sense without them knowing.
    Place Value: Assessment 3 Worksheet
    Sharing Pizza Worksheet
    Sharing Pizza Worksheet

    Sharing Pizza Worksheet

    Show your child the four pizzas in this worksheet. Ask them to count the number of slices each one has. Help them count and check the answer for the first pizza, then do the same for the rest. Have fun counting the slices and see if they can spot the pizza!
    Sharing Pizza Worksheet
    Cupcake Day Worksheet
    Cupcake Day Worksheet

    Cupcake Day Worksheet

    This free downloadable worksheet will make math more enjoyable for your youngster! They'll have to carefully read and answer the straightforward questions, while counting the colorful cupcakes - what fun!
    Cupcake Day Worksheet
    Comparing Numbers Worksheet for 1st Grade
    Comparing Numbers Worksheet for 1st Grade

    Comparing Numbers Worksheet for 1st Grade

    Children can build number sense by exploring the relationship between numbers. This worksheet uses bright international flags to compare numerical groups. Kids will love the cheerful colors and flags from different countries. It encourages them to compare numbers and reinforces their number sense with tens and ones place values.
    Comparing Numbers Worksheet for 1st Grade
    Ten Charts Worksheet
    Ten Charts Worksheet

    Ten Charts Worksheet

    Help your child learn numbers in a creative way using this printable worksheet. They'll learn the difference between numbers, how to add them, and the symbols of "greater than", "less than" and "equals to". They can compare two sides, and identify which is greater, less or equal. Let their maths knowledge bloom!
    Ten Charts Worksheet
    Recycling - More or Less Worksheet
    Recycling - More or Less Worksheet

    Recycling - More or Less Worksheet

    Your child can compare numbers and solve word problems with this free worksheet. Help them understand what's being asked as Sam and Ali take items to the recycling center. They can choose the correct equation to match the word problem and apply their skills in reading and pulling out the appropriate information.
    Recycling - More or Less Worksheet

    The Importance and Benefits of Comparing Numbers Worksheets for Grade 1 Students

    Comparing Numbers Worksheets are useful for both students and teachers and provide an effective way to teach the important concept of comparing numbers. This is especially useful for Grade 1 students, who are just beginning to learn about numbers and the relationships between them. By having a worksheet that allows students to compare and contrast numbers, teachers can ensure that their students understand the concept of comparing numbers and can apply it to other situations.

    Comparing numbers worksheets help to reinforce basic mathematical concepts such as bigger, smaller, or equal. They can help to build a foundation upon which much more complicated number operations can be built. Through the use of these worksheets, parents can help build their children's mathematical skills so that they will be better equipped for future math classes.

    Comparing numbers worksheets are particularly useful for Grade 1 students because they are just learning about numbers and their relationships, so having a worksheet that allows them to compare and contrast numbers can help them to better understand the math involved. Through a structured approach, students can identify the differences between numbers, which will help them to apply their knowledge to more complex operations later.

    In order to help children learn the process of comparing numbers, the worksheets feature two sets of numbers. Students are presented with two numbers and asked to compare them. Through this process, children will learn the concepts of bigger, smaller, and equal. By using these worksheets regularly, students can become proficient in comparing numbers, which is an important skill for every child to develop.

    Another benefit of using comparing numbers worksheets is that they can be adjusted to suit different levels of development. For example, some worksheets are designed for more advanced students, while others are tailored for beginners. As children's skills improve, the worksheets can be adjusted to provide more difficult comparisons. With this, students can expand their understanding of mathematics and build their confidence in the subject.

    Finally, comparing numbers worksheets are a great way to help students to build problem-solving skills. By engaging them in the comparison process, students can explore different ways of finding the solution to more complex problems. This helps children to develop their critical thinking skills, which will be beneficial for them in many areas of life.

    Overall, Comparing Numbers Worksheets are an effective tool for helping Grade 1 students understand the concept of comparing numbers.