Understanding prepositions worksheets provide a valuable tool for students to grasp the intricacies and proper usage of prepositions in the English language. These worksheets offer a systematic and structured approach to developing a strong foundation and comprehension of prepositions.

Check out this FREE "Understanding prepositions" Trial Lesson!

Use Prepositions to Expand Sentences

With answer key
  • Understanding prepositions
Shapes in Different Positions Worksheet
Shapes in Different Positions Worksheet

Shapes in Different Positions Worksheet

Children can practice and strengthen their visual-discernment, hand-eye coordination and neural connections by manipulating shapes in their minds and matching them with the right answer. This PDF with bright colors gives your kids the opportunity to do so.
Shapes in Different Positions Worksheet
Preposition Park Worksheet
Preposition Park Worksheet

Preposition Park Worksheet

. Check kids' understanding of prepositions by reminding them it's a word used to show location, direction or time. Look at the four pictures and ask what the kids are doing. Read the sentences below and help them check the words to complete them.
Preposition Park Worksheet
Over or Under? Worksheet
Over or Under? Worksheet

Over or Under? Worksheet

Math for young kids isn't just about numbers and counting, but also spatial concepts like geometry. This worksheet helps students learn "over" and "under" by tracing the movement of caterpillars and butterflies. Downloadable for free, it's an effective teaching tool for early learners.
Over or Under? Worksheet
Preposition Planets Worksheet
Preposition Planets Worksheet

Preposition Planets Worksheet

Remind your child about outer space: which planet do we live on, and who travels there for research? Explain that prepositions show location, direction, and time. Look at the worksheet with colorful pictures of astronauts. Help your kids draw lines to the words that complete each sentence.
Preposition Planets Worksheet
Preposition Pencils Worksheet
Preposition Pencils Worksheet

Preposition Pencils Worksheet

Constructing sentences follows rules. Parts of speech like nouns, verbs, adverbs, pronouns, and prepositions help. This worksheet focuses on prepositions. Explain prepositions to your child, then examine the pictures together and help them complete the sentences.
Preposition Pencils Worksheet
Over or Under Worksheet
Over or Under Worksheet

Over or Under Worksheet

Help your toddler grasp prepositions like "over" and "under" with this fun worksheet. Have them trace lines over the pictures on one half and under the pictures on the other, thus practicing basic communication and math concepts. Strengthen your child's understanding and communication skills with this activity.
Over or Under Worksheet
Prepositions Worksheet for Grade 3 PDF
Prepositions Worksheet for Grade 3 PDF

Prepositions Worksheet

Learn prepositions with this PDF worksheet for 3rd grade! Through a fun Robin Hood story, find prepositions as you help Robin shoot his arrow! A great way to learn and have fun!
Prepositions Worksheet
In Front or Behind Worksheet
In Front or Behind Worksheet

In Front or Behind Worksheet

Hone your child's spatial skills with 'in front' and 'behind'! This knowledge is essential for communication and study. Get them started with this free PDF worksheet - check off the pictures that show the butterfly in front and caterpillar behind!
In Front or Behind Worksheet
Mary's Room Worksheet
Mary's Room Worksheet

Mary's Room Worksheet

This cute PDF worksheet is a great way to help your young reader build their comprehension and directionality skills in a fun way. They'll use the images and clues to determine which room belongs to Mary. Following the traceable lines can give them a sense of being a detective, and help with directionality and fine motor skills too. Let them have fun and enjoy the activity - their skills will thank you!
Mary's Room Worksheet
Preschool Sight Words: You
Preschool Sight Words: You

Preschool Sight Words: You

Preschool Sight Words: You
Kindergarten Sight Words: Please
Kindergarten Sight Words: Please

Kindergarten Sight Words: Please

Kindergarten Sight Words: Please


Question icon

What are some effective activities to train students’ Understanding prepositions skill when teaching them about Geometry?

To train students in understanding prepositions in Geometry, engage them in activities like: 1. **Interactive Drawing:** Have students follow verbal instructions to draw shapes and objects positioned in relation to each other. 2. **Spatial Relationship Games:** Use puzzles and building blocks to create arrangements based on specific prepositional instructions. 3.

Question icon

Why is the Understanding prepositions skill important for Preschool students?

Understanding prepositions is important for preschool students because it helps them develop their language skills, improves their ability to follow directions, enhances their spatial awareness, and supports their reading and comprehension abilities. This foundational knowledge is crucial for effective communication and academic success in later years.

Question icon

What does the Understanding prepositions skill mean when it comes to Preschool Geometry learning?

The Understanding prepositions skill in Preschool Geometry learning refers to the ability of young children to recognize and apply spatial concepts and language, such as "in," "on," "under," "above," "beside," and "between." This skill helps them describe and understand the positioning and relationships between objects in their environment, laying foundational geometry understanding.