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Normal Reading for Ages 3-4

Dive into the magical world of letters and sounds with our Normal Reading worksheets, specially crafted for children ages 3-4. Designed to spark young imaginations and cultivate a love for reading, these engaging worksheets lay the foundation for early literacy skills. Through a blend of fun activities, children will embark on a journey of letter recognition, phonemic awareness, and basic vocabulary development. Perfect for preschoolers, our worksheets are a stepping stone towards reading readiness, ensuring a smooth transition into more complex literacy concepts. Ignite your child's passion for reading with our Normal Reading for Ages 3-4 worksheets today!

Check out this FREE Trial Lesson on Reading for age 3-4!

Compare and Contrast the Experiences of Characters in Familiar Stories

With answer key
  • 3-4
  • Reading
  • Normal
Finding the Details and Connections: Assessment 2 Worksheet
Finding the Details and Connections: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Finding the Details and Connections: Assessment 2 Worksheet

Does your child love animals? If you have pets, they'll relate to the text in this worksheet. Read it aloud to them and help them answer the simple questions by circling yes or no. The story is about a dog and cat living on a farm. Let your child read it aloud to you if they can.
Finding the Details and Connections: Assessment 2 Worksheet
“The Princess and the Pea” and “Cinderella” Worksheet
“The Princess and the Pea” and “Cinderella” Worksheet

“The Princess and the Pea” and “Cinderella” Worksheet

Read "Cinderella" and "The Princess and the Pea" to your little ones. Ask them what their favorite parts were and what similarities they found in the princesses. This worksheet has four pictures of scenes from the stories. Ask your kids which picture goes with both tales.
“The Princess and the Pea” and “Cinderella” Worksheet
Word Match Reading Worksheet
Word Match Reading Worksheet

Word Match Reading Worksheet

This printout helps children learn to read fluently by connecting words with the same sound. Colorful pictures aid understanding and context for kindergarten-level students. Tracing lines, they learn to identify the sounds made by letters of the alphabet and deepen their knowledge of phonics.
Word Match Reading Worksheet
Name Those Clothes Worksheet
Name Those Clothes Worksheet

Name Those Clothes Worksheet

This worksheet will help your preschooler build their vocabulary, develop life-skills and work on fine motor skills. They'll analyze which clothing goes with the weatherman and match it to the word. It's a fun and interactive way to recognize high-frequency words.
Name Those Clothes Worksheet
Sight Words I Can Worksheet
Sight Words I Can Worksheet

Sight Words I Can Worksheet

Emerging readers can build confidence and improve reading skills with this free worksheet! They'll trace the lines to complete the "I Can" phrase then use the picture clue to decode the last word. This activity encourages reading and writing, and is empowering for kids as they explore all the things they can do!
Sight Words I Can Worksheet
Authors and Illustrators Worksheet
Authors and Illustrators Worksheet

Authors and Illustrators Worksheet

This free PDF provides a simple and fun way to understand the roles of authors and illustrators for beginning readers. It offers concrete pictures of what each one does and traceable lines for children to decide whether they are an author or an illustrator. It will help build their critical thinking skills and foster a better understanding of the book-making process.
Authors and Illustrators Worksheet
Smile and Frowns in the Solar System Worksheet
Smile and Frowns in the Solar System Worksheet

Smile and Frowns in the Solar System Worksheet

Help Sunny the sun identify emotions with this free worksheet! Kids will have a blast as they identify planetary friends that are happy and sad, building emotional intelligence and motor skills along the way. They won't even realize they're learning, they'll enjoy the faces so much!
Smile and Frowns in the Solar System Worksheet
Spelling Down on the Farm Worksheet
Spelling Down on the Farm Worksheet

Spelling Down on the Farm Worksheet

Want to help your kids nail their spelling? Introduce them to this farm animal worksheet! Get them to look at the animals in the tracing sheet, name them and then sound out the words. Have them draw a line to the picture that describes it. You'll be surprised at how quickly their skills improve.
Spelling Down on the Farm Worksheet
At a Pizza Party Worksheet
At a Pizza Party Worksheet

At a Pizza Party Worksheet

Parties are the best! Eating, playing, singing, dancing and gift-exchange - what's your child's fave part? In this worksheet, a brother and sister are eager to enjoy their party. Read the text to them and help them check what they do, eat, and wear. 80 words.
At a Pizza Party Worksheet
Cinderella story sequencing worksheet
Cinderella story sequencing worksheet

Cinderella Story Sequencing Worksheet

This worksheet helps strengthen reading comprehension skills by getting your child to remember key moments from the Cinderella story. They'll be asked to place pictures in the right order to tell the story.
Cinderella Story Sequencing Worksheet
l or i? Worksheet
l or i? Worksheet

l or i? Worksheet

Trace the dotted lines on this worksheet to connect pictures with their lowercase letter. Ask your child what each picture is and the first letter of the word. Guide them to trace the letter with the dotted lines.
l or i? Worksheet
Growing Plants Worksheet
Growing Plants Worksheet

Growing Plants Worksheet

Young gardeners and scientists can learn about what helps plants grow with this fun PDF worksheet. Kids will trace lines to practice left-to-right patterning and use pictures from the rebus story to guide them. Learn that plants need sunshine, water and soil, then check off pictures of what each plant needs. It's an engaging and educational way to help their plants become big and strong.
Growing Plants Worksheet
Little Red Riding Hood: Illustrations Worksheet
Little Red Riding Hood: Illustrations Worksheet

Little Red Riding Hood: Illustrations Worksheet

Comprehension is improved by having young readers recall and retell stories. This worksheet uses colorful illustrations of the fairytale Little Red Riding Hood. Children use their comprehension skills and strategy to match illustrations to the story parts, check off the appropriate boxes and use the pictures as clues.
Little Red Riding Hood: Illustrations Worksheet
Printable Coloring Page: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
Printable Coloring Page: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Coloring Page

Let your child wish upon a star as they color this scene of boy and girl stargazing. Sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star while they choose colors to show the star twinkling in the night sky.
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Assign to My Students
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Coloring Page
Sight Word Can Worksheet
Sight Word Can Worksheet

Sight Word Can Worksheet

Learning sight words is key for strong readers. Kids with large word bases find reading simpler, since they don't have to decode words they already know. This free worksheet uses the word 'can' to help kids improve their visual discrimination and refine motor skills, while providing pictures to help them along.
Sight Word Can Worksheet
Identify Individual Words Worksheet
Identify Individual Words Worksheet

Identify Individual Words Worksheet

Does your child have trouble constructing sentences? Check out this worksheet! It will help them identify words that make up sentences and assess how well they can read and answer questions. The first part tests how well they can recognize a written sentence. The second part has them read questions and circle the correct number of words. Give it a try!
Identify Individual Words Worksheet
Opposite Day Worksheet
Opposite Day Worksheet

Opposite Day Worksheet

Early learners need to know about opposites to improve their higher-order thinking and critical thinking. This fun worksheet helps them understand the concept, practice opposite words, read high-frequency words and work on fine motor skills. Download the traceable PDF to get started.
Opposite Day Worksheet
Spelling in the Kitchen Worksheet
Spelling in the Kitchen Worksheet

Spelling in the Kitchen Worksheet

Your little ones can learn a lot if they help in the kitchen. Get them to identify and say the name of each item in the picture in this worksheet. Sound out the words for them and help draw a line to the right picture. It's a great way for them to learn about kitchen items!
Spelling in the Kitchen Worksheet
The 5 Sense Scientist Worksheet
The 5 Sense Scientist Worksheet

The 5 Sense Scientist Worksheet

Our young children will have fun learning about their five senses with this free Sense Scientist worksheet. Helping Sebastian the Scientist, they'll name the five senses and use traceable lines to connect each picture with its correct sense. Colorful words and pictures will create a memorable picture representation.
The 5 Sense Scientist Worksheet
Baa Baa Black Sheep: Vocabulary Worksheet
Baa Baa Black Sheep: Vocabulary Worksheet

Baa Baa Black Sheep: Vocabulary Worksheet

Exposing readers to various vocab helps their reading abilities grow. This cheery worksheet uses pictures to show what wool is and isn't, helping readers with visual discrimination. Having concrete images for new words is essential for emerging readers, and this is an enjoyable way to strengthen the skill.
Baa Baa Black Sheep: Vocabulary Worksheet
Identifying Poems Worksheet
Identifying Poems Worksheet

Identifying Poems Worksheet

Read to your kids often and look at the pictures of books and poems in this worksheet. Guide them by reading aloud each book and poem. Make sure they are paying attention and help them check the pictures. This is a great way for your kids to learn to read properly.
Identifying Poems Worksheet
Which Doesn't Belong? Worksheet
Which Doesn't Belong? Worksheet

Which Doesn't Belong? Worksheet

This engaging worksheet helps preschoolers recognize similar and different attributes of common words, using brightly-colored pictures. They analyze the items in each category and check off what is different. For extra practice, have them explain their reasoning verbally! Sorting and classifying are important skills to learn.
Which Doesn't Belong? Worksheet
Sounding it Out: Part 1 Worksheet
Sounding it Out: Part 1 Worksheet

Sounding it Out: Part 1 Worksheet

Help kids learn to read with this fun worksheet! Kids use picture clues to sound out words and trace the dotted lines to match each word to its corresponding image. Stimulating and interactive, this printable is a great way for little learners to practice phonics.
Sounding it Out: Part 1 Worksheet
Rhyming Words Worksheet PDF
Rhyming Words Worksheet PDF

Rhyming Words Rhyming Worksheet

This worksheet is great for honing pre-reading skills. It helps kids make connections between pictures and written words, use problem-solving, and recognize sounds and words that rhyme. Have fun exploring rhyming words with your child, and they'll be rhyming in no time!
Rhyming Words Rhyming Worksheet

Normal Reading for Ages 3-4 worksheets are incredibly useful tools designed to kickstart early literacy in young learners. At this pivotal age, children are at a prime stage for absorbing language skills, and these worksheets are crafted to tap into their natural curiosity and eagerness to learn. The benefits of using Normal Reading worksheets for Ages 3-4 are manifold.

Firstly, they introduce toddlers to the alphabet in a structured yet engaging way, laying the groundwork for reading and writing. Through repetitive exposure to letters and sounds, children begin to recognize and form connections between them, which is a fundamental skill in reading development.

Additionally, these worksheets are tailored to the developmental stages of 3 to 4-year-olds, incorporating activities that refine fine motor skills. For example, tracing letters helps improve hand-eye coordination and prepares them for handwriting.

Normal Reading worksheets for Ages 3-4 also foster vocabulary growth. By exposing children to new words in various contexts, they not only learn to recognize and read them but also understand their meanings and uses. This enriches their language skills, making it easier for them to express themselves and comprehend others.

Moreover, these worksheets make learning enjoyable. Through colorful illustrations and interactive tasks, children remain engaged and motivated, seeing reading not as a chore but as a fun activity. This positive attitude towards reading is crucial for fostering lifelong learning and curiosity.

In essence, Normal Reading worksheets for Ages 3-4 are indispensable tools in nurturing foundational literacy skills, ensuring young learners embark on their educational journey with confidence and excitement.